Tag Archives: economic activity
Seal oil is the best source of omega-3 and other facts about Canada’s misunderstood seal harvest
Contrary to narratives spun by anti-sealing groups for decades, this practice is a testament to resilience and a crucial pillar of sustainability and economic survival. Despite numerous fear factors, some substantiated and others frivolous, coastal communities still rely on and support the responsible harvest of seals. For coastal Canadians, the ocean has been and continues to be a source of food, economic activity, recreation, and livelihood. Let’s follow the facts trail: The seal harvest uses techniques designed by a panel of international expert veterinarians. Seals eat 53 times more fish yearly than the entire Eastern Canadian fishing fleet catches. Government scientists have stated that seal predation is preventing the rebuilding of five fish species listed under the Species at Risk Act. >> click to read <<14:52
Pack ice having huge impact on Twillingate economic activity
Harbourmaster Gord Noseworthy shakes his head as he describes the situation. “Nothing is getting landed. I have been working here for 21 years and I’ve never seen it like this.” He looks over at the boats tied up at the wharf and explains the ripple effect the ice has on the small outport community. “It is not just the boats and their crews that are being affected,” he said. “We have 50 to 60 people that load and unload the boats that aren’t working. These workers probably won’t get enough to qualify for EI. The crab that is usually landed here is being sent to places like Harbour Grace and Catalina. Not a single seal came onto our dock this year,” Noseworthy said,,, Lobster fisherman Hardy Troake is looking at a seriously depleted season. “Lobster season was supposed to have opened May 7,” he told the Pilot Friday. “It was then delayed until the 13th and look now; we still haven’t been able to get out.” Click here to read the story 11:16