Tag Archives: economic disaster aid
Editorial: Any fishery aid should come from NOAA, Commerce – mad science and built-to-fail catch share management policies
Lumping in fishermen’s economic disaster aid with money going to recovery from a true natural disaster would miscast the fishery disaster as some sort of natural catastrophe as well, and it’s not. The New England and Northeast fishery disaster is a man-made, intentional economic collapse that was not just caused, but truly engineered by NOAA and administrator Jane Lubchenco, who, still propped up by the White House, have driven Gloucester’s, New England’s and America’s own fishermen right out of their jobs and their way of life while the president himself hypocritically proclaims he wants “jobs, jobs, jobs” for American working families.http://www.gloucestertimes.com/opinion/x2120610726/Editorial-Any-fishery-aid-should-come-from-NOAA-Commerce