Tag Archives: education

Boatbuilding program launches dory this Saturday
Bouncing back from the COVID-19 shutdown last year, Islesford Boatworks is celebrating the launch of its 16th boat this Saturday. The 20-foot dory will be used by a local lobsterman, Rick Alley, to net groundfish for bait. Like their other boats, the dory was completed in summer boatbuilding school for children ages 6 to 16. Islesford Boatworks was founded in 2006 on Little Cranberry Island to use wooden boatbuilding to help preserve the local maritime legacy and to teach children woodworking, island ecology and island history. Each year, a group of kids and adults completes a wooden boat and launches it in August in a pirate-themed gala. >click to read< 07:55

A Worthy Investment – Port of Toledo student intern from Waldport HS gets the job done
Waldport High School sophomore Jake Turkaly was one of three high school student interns at the Port of Toledo this Spring. On his last day, Turkaly assisted boat builder Dave Stocker to replace the main engine, generator and refrigeration unit of the F/V Pacific Pacer. “He’s a pretty talented guy,” Stocker said of Turkaly, who that day fabricated gussets to reinforce a refrigeration unit and helped Stocker dismantle the engine and remove it. Turkaly and the other interns worked in the yard a few days a week,,, In addition to welding, Turkaly earned to drive a fork lift, operate a scissor lift, how to weld and fabricate metal parts, and helped to install a tail shaft in a commercial fishing boat. >click to read< 07:42

Captain anchors Extreme Gloucester Fishing school on Harbor Loop
It has been nearly a year since Capt. Joe Sanfilippo first applied his concept of a classroom forum to the task of teaching the intricacies of commercial fishing, including net mending, diesel mechanics, basic electronics, vessel handling and the regulations and history of commercial fishing. In that short time, much has changed. Initially, Sanfilippo and his volunteer lecturers — such as Capt. Tommy Testaverde, owner of the F/V Midnight Sun, John Randazzo, captain of Cruiseport Gloucester’s Beauport Princess and Justin Demetri of the Essex Shipbuilding Museum — held the classes in the basement of Ken Hecht’s building at 189 Main St. >click to read< 10:31

Learning finances with a fish boat captain
Teacher Emily Nowack stood at the white board, marker in hand. At the direction of Captain Doug Feeney she scribbled down his business expenses – crew, insurance, permit fees, maintenance, the list went on. Students at the Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School did the math. They saw that Feeney’s profit was getting smaller as more expenses were subtracted. But what became clear was that transportation costs were taking a big bite out of Feeney’s take-home pay. >click to read< 12:46

Gloucester Captain offers classes for aspiring Fishermen
Capt. Joe Sanfilippo fished out of Gloucester for more than 20 years alongside siblings and family members. For much of that time, a seed was germinating.,,, Which brings us to the germinating seed. Sanfilippo, as the industry evolved, often thought there might be a better way to give aspiring commercial fishermen a head start entering the profession. Now he is trying to pass along the very mechanics of working on a commercial fishing boat,,, “My goal is to have a commercial fishing training center in Gloucester, almost like a vocational school,” Sanfilippo said. >click to read<21:20
Eastern Maine Skippers dip toes in murky waters
What’s bugging people in the fishing industry in your town? How do you find out? What can you do about it? More than 100 students from the Downeast eight high schools that participate in the Eastern Maine Skippers program travelled to the Schoodic Institute last week to learn how to answer those questions. The students were gathered at the first of four “full cohort events” planned for the current school year — as much to give them the opportunity to meet one another as to get a start on acquiring the problem-solving skills that can help keep the fisheries, and fishing industry, in their communities sustainable. click here to read the story 18:11
NSCC School of Fisheries providing education, training and safety
YARMOUTH – When Marcel d’Entremont starting fishing on a fish dragger in 1981,, “My safety training was this: the owner of the boat looked at me and said, ‘The life raft is on top of the house, the immersion suit in the bow is mine. Don’t touch it.’” Read the rest here 09:13