Tag Archives: Electromagnetic fields
Offshore Wind: Fish Problems Near Underwater Cables for Power Transmission from Blades to Land
“Electromagnetic fields and heat from cables”, these are the two main problems of the energy transmission system from wind turbines positioned at sea to land, highlighted by a recent report by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, BOEM on offshore wind projects in New York Bay. In the vicinity of the cables, problems of fish behavior due to electromagnetic fields were highlighted, which were resolved once they moved away from the cables. Here’s what they write: “Previous studies have shown that EMF strength decreases rapidly with distance. Copping et al. (2016) reported that although burrowing fauna may be exposed to stronger EMF from offshore wind operations, there was no evidence that the projected EMF emitted by such devices would affect any species. more, >>CLICK TO READ<<11:24
A submerged concern: offshore wind cables
As offshore wind turbines undergo construction in waters south of the Vineyard, and with some already standing and delivering power, the debates on the Island regarding the industry continue. John Keene, president of the Martha’s Vineyard Fishermen’s Preservation Trust, told the Times that some in the fishing industry are nervous about how the electromagnetic field from the cables can affect marine life. Keene said the concern is that the fields emitted from cables could act like a fence, particularly for migratory species, and impact the behavior of marine species. “There’s a lot of unknowns,” he said. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:14

Warning of ‘environmental devastation’ of offshore wind farms
A campaign group has accused the offshore wind industry of creating “environmental devastation”, and claimed that the impact will become greater as more projects are developed. Scotland Against Spin took issue with a Scottish Government survey which found that a majority of people approve of offshore wind farms. Those living in coastal areas cited the economic benefits of offshore, according to the study, while the effects on tourism “could be minimal”. Industry body Scottish Renewables said the findings indicated that most members of the public recognise the social and economic importance of the offshore wind sector. However, Scotland Against Spin chairman Graham Lang maintained that offshore developments are posing a threat to seabirds, including puffins and kittiwakes, and to fish species such as haddock, cod and mackerel. >click to read< 20:19

Fishermen seek greater understanding of wind farm impacts
Projects already in the pipeline could wreak havoc with key spawning and nursery grounds for important fish stocks, they warned today. According to Shetland Fishermen’s Association (SFA), there are major overlaps between proposed areas of offshore wind farm development and sensitive ecosystems for young fish. Several wind farm areas will impact the spawning and nursery grounds of Scotland’s most valuable pelagic fish stocks, such as mackerel, herring and blue whiting, the industry body added. SFA also pointed to research showing a negative impact on shellfish species from offshore turbines and associated cabling. >click to read< 19:11

Stunned Still: Offshore Wind Farm Power Cables Leave Crabs Mesmerized & Motionless
Seabirds, whales and dolphins aren’t offshore wind’s only victims – crabs are being mesmerized by the electromagnetic fields produced by the power cables that connect turbines to each other and to the grid. A scientific study has found that the magnetic fields generated by these cables attract crabs that then remain in place, fixated on the magnetic field, effectively immobilizing them. For a creature that needs to move over large distances over the seafloor to feed and breed, offshore wind farms may well amount to a death sentence for an entire species, over the longer term. >click to read< 11:27

Undersea Power Cables – Electromagnetic fields have complex and possibly harmful effects on the valuable brown crab.
Over the past 10 years, Scotland has installed thousands of offshore wind turbines in the North Sea and is starting to deploy marine energy devices that generate power from tides and waves. It’s a green energy push that is slowly being replicated in coastal areas the world over. Though these installations are reducing coastal threats such as oil spills, they have the potential to cause other, more subtle, problems for marine life. From each offshore wind and tidal turbine, power cables snake to shore, connecting to power banks, converters, and the wider electrical grid. But these electrified cables could have odd and unexpected effects on seafloor life. >click to read<08:43