Tag Archives: England

Cornwall Community funds new boat for 12-year-old fisherman

A boy who lost his fishing boat to a storm has bought a new one with the help of his community in Cornwall. Antony, 12, is a known entrepreneur in Cawsand who sells his catch of fish, crabs and lobsters on the beach. At the beginning of 2023, his boat was washed away during a storm – returning to the shore shattered. “He was really distressed that it was gone; really upset, really angry that it was broken and that was it,” his mum Michal said. The new boat was christened and named the Ocean Harvester 1. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:22

End of Plymouth Fish Market ‘disastrous for Looe’

Mike “Moogie” Pengelly has been fishing off Looe after leaving school in 1967 and owns the small stern trawler the Ganesha with his two sons. He said things could be “disastrous” after the closure of the Plymouth market “put us in a bit of a pickle”. He said: “We’re relying on Brixham now. That’s it. “We used to land on Looe Market, but that collapsed and we went to Plymouth, which was successful. “Now that’s wrapped up and we’re in a bit of a mess at the moment.”  more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:40

Talks underway in bid to keep Plymouth fish market open

Talks are underway in a bid to keep the city’s fish market operating after Plymouth Trawler Agents ceases trading after tomorrow. Sutton Harbour Group Plc (SHG), which owns the quayside market, said it has begun discussions with potential operators. Meanwhile, alternative arrangements are being made for fishing boats to sell their catch elsewhere after the closure of Plymouth Trawler Agent Ltd (PTA), which runs fish auctions at Sutton Harbour. One insider described this as “crisis management” and Plymouth City Council spoke of its “shock” to hear PTA was wrapping up after nearly 30 years and called it “the end of an era”. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:40

Fisherman catches rare ‘one in two million’ blue lobster and refuses to let it be eaten

A fisherman caught a rare ‘one in two million’ blue lobster – and rehomed it in a local aquarium. Blue lobsters are believed to be so rare that marine biologists estimate the chance of catching one is one in two million. Chris Puckey caught the lobster on his FY124 boat called Katytu at the weekend. It turned up in one of Chris’ pots and was caught off the coast close to Polperro, South Cornwall. Jacquie Spencer, the owner of Kitty’s Lobster, Crab and Seafood Shack, said: “Chris supplies me regularly with lobsters, and Chris and I are overwhelmed by the lobster being pulled up in his pot. It really is a real treat to see one such a vivid blue colour and reportedly only one in two million!” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:32

Trawler Race coming back to Brixham

Brixham’s famous trawler race came to an end a few years ago due to safety concerns, and it seemed like the end of an era – but it’ll be back next year, although there are some changes. The newly reformed Port of Brixham Trawler Event Association has announced that after months of negotiations with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, compromises have been reached that will enable the Trawler Event to go ahead in 2025. One of the concessions is that the participating vessels carry a reduced number of passengers during the event. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 14:21

Whitby Seafoods Buys Scampi Trawler

Whitby Seafoods is celebrating the purchase of Portavogie based fishing boat The Golden Ray. The Golden Ray B963 is a scampi trawler skippered by third generation fisher Darren McClements who has been fishing for over 37 years. Darren will join Kilkeel Seafoods, the Northern Ireland based company that is part of the Whitby Seafoods Group, as Fleet Operations Director. Darren was a ‘Fisherman of the year’ winner at the 2023 Fishing News Awards, nominated for ‘undertaking leading work for the industry’, which included collaborating with Whitby Seafoods and SafetyNet Technologies on ground-breaking gear trials. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:19

Three fishermen forced into life raft as trawler starts sinking

RNLI teams from Exmouth and Torbay carried out a joint rescue mission after three fishermen found themselves in peril when their trawler began sinking. At 9.32pm last night, Tuesday, April 16, HM Coastguard requested the launch of both the Exmouth and Torbay RNLI lifeboats, having received an urgent mayday call. The brevity of the desperate plea was spine-chilling as the message simply stated: “fishing vessel sinking”. This alarming report was quickly followed by a 999 call confirming that all three crew had taken to the vessel’s life raft. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 10:36

Historic Hastings fishing boat is removed from outside the station

The clinker built boat Dorothy Melinda had been on display on an island outside Hastings railway station for the past 15 years. It was the first thing visitors to Hastings see when they arrive in the town by rail. But Hastings Borough Council said the condition of the boat was seriously deteriorating and claimed it could become a potential hazard. In addition, the lease for the roundabout, which belongs to South Eastern Rail, had expired. She was due to be removed and demolished at the end of January, due to her deteriorating state, but local man Peter Carney launched a campaign to have her restored and put on display in Hastings old Town, setting up Go Fund Me appeal. Photos, more, >>click to read<< 07:00

Heartbreak for young fisherman after lad’s boat found dashed on rocks

Tragedy struck for a young Cornish fisherman after his boat was found dashed to pieces on rocks after drifting away on high tide. Antony Newcombe, 13 and from Cawsand, began selling fresh fish and crabs he had caught “with no carbon foot print on Cawsand beach”. The young fisherman had hoped to sell enough to upgrade to a bigger vessel this year. At high tide a few days ago, Anthony’s boat, along with another vessel, reportedly floated off during high-tide, according to a digital fundraiser. “After a search for a few days his boat was finally found; sadly smashed into many pieces on the local rocks. Of course, this didn’t just leave Antony’s boat devastated but him too,” the GoFundMe page reads. more, >>click to read<< 11:38

Hull people petition for Arctic Corsair to be permanently berthed in St Andrew’s Dock, not ‘concreted into city centre’

The historic vessel, Hull’s last sidewinder trawler, is set to be a dry-berthed visitor attraction at the currently developing North End Shipyard, off Dock Office Row, in the city. She is expected to be open to the public, restored to her former glory, in early 2025. The petition calls for the placing of Hull’s heritage ship Arctic Corsair at St Andrew’s Lockpits. The introduction to the petition says: “Hull Trawler Heritage – Hull City Council plan to berth the Arctic Corsair, Hull’s heritage museum vessel, on the River Hull near Hull city centre. “We the petitioners believe she should be permanently berthed in Hull’s St Andrew’s Dock Lockpits, her natural home. Sign this petition immediately if you believe she should be brought home to Bullnose before she gets concreted into the city centre.” more, >>click to read<< 09:40

Uncharted Waters: The Hunkin Family’s Fight for Their Ancestral Fishing Trade

For 14 generations, the Hunkin family has braved the unpredictable waters off the Cornish coast, weaving their lives into the rhythm of the sea. But now, a sudden shift in government regulations has forced this storied fishing family to abandon their ancestral trade. As of January 1, 2024, the pollack catch quota has been set to zero, save for a minuscule by-catch allowance, leaving the Hunkins – and many like them – grappling with an uncertain future. Daniel Hunkin, the latest in a long line of seafarers, laments the lack of notice and communication from the government. “We relied on pollack for more than half our annual income,” he says, “We’ve had to sell our boats and face an uncertain future.” more, >>click to read<< 07:07

Cornwall family put boat up for sale after 300 years at sea

A family that has been fishing off the coast of Cornwall for 14 generations said they have quit the industry due to new government regulations. The Hunkin family, from Mevagissey, have been fishing for about 300 years, since the reign of King George I. However, on 1 January 2024 the pollack catch quota was set to zero, apart from a small by-catch allowance, in order to preserve stocks. Daniel Hunkin said he and others had since put their boats up for sale. More, He said the crew relied on pollack for more than half their annual income and he was worried for the industry as a whole. more, >>click to read<< 08:06

Why it’s crucial that my generation remembers the men who were lost on the Fishing Trawler Gaul

I come from a long line of people who worked at sea. At the age of 16, my dad followed in his own dad’s footsteps. My other grandad was a ship’s welder. Growing up, when my dad was at home in his month off the ships, he would drag me anywhere and everywhere that had something to do with Hull’s maritime history: the Arctic Corsair, the Marina, The Deep. “You should’ve seen it in its prime, before the cod wars and her,” he would say. “Her” being Margaret Thatcher. One thing that I was never told about back then, understandably, was the danger of working at sea. Dad would only tell me about the glories of travelling the world and the comradery among the crew. It’s only now that I’m older and have started to look into Hull’s history for myself that that I understand why it was one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. more, >>click to read<< 06:42

Baffling mystery of tragic trawler that sank killing 36 – as heartbroken families demand answers 50 years on

The fishing trawler Gaul went missing during a fierce storm in the Barents Sea half a century ago in what remains Britain’s worst trawler disaster. The families of the missing seamen from the Hull area endured an agonizing wait for news on the morning of February 9, 1974. The fact that it took 23-years to find the trawler fuelled speculation about the disaster which claimed so many lives. The families of the victims spent years trying to establish why the trawler sank. The Gaul sank during the height of the Cold War and it was common knowledge that the security services had used trawlers to carry out spying missions in the 1960s. Video, photos, more, >>click to read<< 11:22

A report has concluded the sinking of a Cadgwith based fishing boat caused by extensive modifications 

Skipper Brett Jose and crewman Callum Hardwick were rescued after an ordeal in which Mr Jose had to escape through the wheelhouse window as the 25 foot crabbed suddenly heeled over and capsized. Following the sinking in November 2022 a Crowdfunder was launched by the Cadgwith community to buy a new boat for the pair. The Crig-A-Tana had been fitted with a new wheelhouse, engine, safety kit and deck equipment with the help of Government grants but all had been approved by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.  photos, more, >>click to read<< 09:18

The story of the Gaul trawler tragedy, 50 years on

On January 22, 1974, the Gaul – a deep sea factory ship designed for long trips – set sail from Hull for Norwegian fishing grounds. At some time in the night of February 8-9, the trawler went down in heavy seas north of Norway, with the loss of all hands. It was later described as “the worst ever single-trawler tragedy”. At the time of the disappearance, mystery surrounded the fate of the trawler. No mayday signal had been received and it was only when the vessel failed to report in that alarm bells were raised. Stuart Russell, who was working on the Hull Daily Mail’s news desk, recalled how there was uncertainty from the outset. As with other trawler tragedies, the Mail got a crew list from the ship owners and the reporters went out to visit the relatives. more, >>click to read<< 06:26

Torbay lifeboat rescues trawler in dramatic operation off South Devon coast

Torbay RNLI received a request from Solent Coastguard to assist the trawler 18 miles south of Start Point – in force eight winds and four metre swells – whose skipper had reported water coming into his engine room. The station’s ‘Deputy Launch Authority’ on duty immediately launched the All-weather lifeboat with seven volunteer crew. The Severn Class ALB reached the trawler within 25 minutes.  The RNLI had been informed sea water had reached up to the deck plates from bilges and appeared to be coming in through the propeller shafts. More water appeared when under power, but the exact source and cause could not be identified. Photos, more, >>click here<< 15:45

The quintessentially British fish and chips is endangered. Why?

Ever since she was old enough to walk, Terrilea Coglan was climbing aboard fishing boats that set sail each morning from the rocky beachfront of Hastings to harvest the key ingredient in Britain’s most iconic dish: fish and chips. The day’s catch travels just a short way from the boats up to the seaside fish and chips shops, or “chippies,” that pride themselves as much in the freshness of the fish as in the secret recipes for their gooey batter. Coglan’s parents and grandparents were in the fish trade, and now her sons are, too. But these days Coglan fears they may be the last. Photos, more, >>click to read<< 07:54

Pollack fishing: Setting quota to zero ‘damaging’ to South-West industry

A decision to set the pollack catch quota to zero will be “damaging” to the fishing industry, those working in South-West England have said. The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) said the quota had been reduced to preserve stocks. It said it recognised the “impact” the decision “may have” and was working to “explore potential mitigations”. Ben George, who fishes from Sennen Cove in Cornwall, said he never once “dreamed it could be a total ban”. “It’s particularly damaging for the small inshore fisherman, because they can’t diversify easily now to anything else,” he said. more, >>click to read<< 06:19

What a year it’s been for historic trawler Ross Tiger!

From reopening to the public in March following vital deck works, to celebrating 30 years as a museum ship at Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre, it really has been a busy but positive time for the iconic ship. Standing proud in the Alexandra Dock, she has welcomed visitors, young and old, from far and wide, for three decades. Fishing is still seen as one of our most dangerous peacetime occupations, and today, Ross Tiger is a fitting tribute to the hard work and dedication of Grimsby’s brave fishing pioneers. Photos, Video,  more, >>click to read<< 09:55

Boat engineer, 20, died after toxic spray release

A dense white cloud of spray was released from the fire-extinguishing system

A 20-year-old apprentice engineer died after inhaling toxic fire extinguisher spray in the engine room of a fishing boat in Cornwall, an investigation has found. The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) said Conor Moseley was on board as the fire-extinguishing system was being installed on the Resurgam, a scallop dredger, in Newlyn Harbour. The FirePro system was designed to suppress fire, but it also generated a spray which was hazardous to health when inhaled in significant quantities, a MAIB report said. The system was accidentally activated in the engine room as it was being installed. FirePro said it welcomed the MAIB report. more, >>click to read<< 08:36

Hull Gaul trawler sinking anniversary events get cash boost

Events marking the 50th anniversary of the sinking of a Hull trawler with the loss of 36 men have received funding from the city council. The Gaul went down after being caught in heavy seas in the Barents Sea off Norway on 8 February 1974. Four days of commemorations are planned for 2024, including a new mural, a dedicated Hull City football match and an education programme for children. A civic event at Hull Minster and walking tours are also planned Andrews and Docklands ward has been granted £5,000 to fund the events. >>click to read<< 11:28

Pyridine ‘unlikely’ to be cause of mass shellfish die-off on Teesside, new test finds

The latest investigation into the cause of mass creature die off along the North East coast has found an industrial chemical is unlikely to be the cause. The Government has today issued the findings of an investigation by the independent experts at the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, who used a new method to test for the chemical, pyridine, in animal tissue and sediments.  The original incident between October and December 2021 saw crustaceans washed ashore with dying creatures “twitching” and displaying lethargic behaviour right along the coast from Hartlepool down to Whitby. >>click to read<< 11:38

Two sisters run absolute gem of a pub in Devon fishing town

A much-loved fishermen’s pub in the heart of a Devon fishing town is still going strong as locals toast its 400 year anniversary. Erica Mundle and her sister Georgina Loasby are the brains behind the Crown and Anchor pub in Brixham. Erica, 41 and Georgina, 31 have owned the Quayside pub since December 2019 and they’re proud to say the place truly is frozen in time. Erica, who previously worked as a primary school teacher, said she feels grateful for all of its customers, a healthy mix of locals and holidaymakers who keep coming back year after year. The boozer is famed for its crab sandwiches and brandy coffee and is a great place to relax and enjoy stunning views. It has always been a pub at the heart of the fishing community and is loved by many, which is one of the main reasons Erica and Georgina decided not to change anything when they took over. Photos, >>click to read<< 09:41

Century-old Devon fishing boat sets sail after restoration

A 108-year-old fishing boat restored over a decade has set sail once more in Devon. The Britannia was relaunched at Exeter Quay earlier after it was spotted “in a bad state” by its previous owners in Brixham Harbour in 2013. Vicki Samuels and her husband Sam formed a charity and have been restoring the boat with a team of volunteers ever since. Mrs Samuels said she was “really emotional” and had “a few tears”. Now returned to its former glory, the restoration has also been a learning experience for the young people who volunteered to help, Mrs Samuels said. Photos, >>click to read<< 18:52

Brixham fisherman can’t trade on quay

A Brixham fisherman has described his ‘David and Goliath’ battle to sell his catch on the quayside as post-covid law changes leave him high and dry, Tristan Northway, whose boat Adela is the smallest and oldest in the Brixham fleet, was able to bring fresh fish to the quay as byelaws were relaxed during the pandemic. But now the regulations are back into force and he is driving thousands of motorway miles to sell his catch instead of selling it locally. Mr Northway presented a 763-signature petition to the council at its full meeting, calling for a review of existing byelaws to allow him and other small-scale fishermen in Torbay harbours to sell their catch directly from their boats. >>click to read<< 17:21

David Proud honoured for 30 years with Falmouth RNLI

A coastguard turned lifeboat crew member who has helped save many lives over 30 years has been honoured for his long service. Falmouth RNLI volunteer David Proud was recently presented with an RNLI long service medal in recognition of his three decades of service at the station. The medal was presented to him by Falmouth RNLI coxswain Jonathon Blakeston. David’s involvement with search and rescue actually goes back even further, as he joined the Coastguard service in Falmouth in January 1977. This was when it was located in the old lookout, a small square building at Pendennis Point, before the current Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre was built. >click to read< 08:40

Skinningrove’s fishing boat restored after years on beach

A fishing boat which became a “local landmark” on a beach for almost two decades has been restored. The Repus Cole was displayed on Skinningrove Beach in 2005 after being saved from destruction. It had belonged to fisherman Wilbur Cox, who died in the 1980s, and became a memorial to those lost at sea. Redcar and Cleveland Council said it would continue to “proudly stand” on the beach for future generations. The boat had originally been stored at South Gare before it was brought back to the village for display. It was eventually displayed opposite the home of Mr Cox’s daughter, Marie, who said she was “delighted” the boat had been brought “back to life”. >click to read< 10:10

Sadness as historic Sussex fishing boat is demolished

The RX 134 Stacey Marie, was on display opposite the Dolphin pub in Rock-a-Nore Road, in Hastings Old Town, close to the fishing beach. Dee Day White, who along with Tush Hamilton, was involved in clearing the site, said: “In case you are wondering what has happened to the fishing boat opposite the Dolphin here is the explanation. After recent inspections of her by various carpenters, tradesmen and fishermen the conclusion was the same. “She unfortunately was rotting very badly from the inside out to the extent that the deck was moving under the weight of the wheelhouse pushing down through the deck timbers making her unsafe and dangerous. 19 photos, >click to read< 10:43