Tag Archives: Fall lobster fishermen

P.E.I.’s fall lobster fishermen raise concerns about ghost fishing
A fisheries officer attending the annual meeting of the Prince County Fishermen’s Association said the amount of lost or abandoned lobster gear retrieved from the Northumberland Strait lobster grounds after the fall season ended was “extremely high said fisheries officer Anthony Cheverie. Cheverie said gear was retrieved throughout Lobster Fishing Area 25 (LFA 25), which takes in fishermen from P.E.I., New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Laura Ramsay, with the P.E.I. Fishermen’s Association, said fishermen are concerned about the amount of lost gear and agreed Canadian regulations “make it hard for fishermen to help go clean up that gear”. Gear Innovation Summit planned for Feb. 11, 12, >click to read< 10:20
Lobster fishing starts Monday – Miminegash Fishermen hopeful of price increase
Fall lobster fishermen are not appearing too pressed for time this week. Next week will be a different story, though. The fall lobster fishery is set to open at 6 a.m. Monday morning, weather permitting. This week, with much of their gear already piled on the wharves and waiting, some fishermen are enjoying some down time while others are fussing with last minute details, like tying on bunches or making sure their boats are in good running order. Miminegash fisherman Jamie Ellsworth, who is heading into his 47th fall lobster season said,,, Read the rest here 21:29