Tag Archives: farm raised salmon

Farm raised salmon die in cages at a Cooke Aquaculture operation near Baie d’Espoir
In a statement, the company said the farm has a total of about 550,000 fish, and estimates about 14 per cent of them died off, which would put the number at more than 70,000 fish. The company’s statement blames the higher than expected number of deaths on “severe winter storm events experienced over the past month.” Cooke said they think the deaths happened in two of eight cages on the farm, which is run by Cold Ocean Salmon Inc., a subsidiary of New Brunswick-based Cooke Aquaculture. >click to read< 07:28

Aquaculture poses threat to the lobster industry
As president of the Maine Lobstering Union, I know we have struggled with several concerns this summer from right whales to bait shortages to aquaculture leases. We need to take steps now to fix rules and regulations around aquaculture. If we don’t, it will encroach on ocean space for everyone. The lease sizes have gotten so large we are making Maine’s oceans attractive to out-of-state corporations. By Rock Alley >click to read< 11:40

Alaska’s losing battle
Bristol Bay – Alaska’s highest profile salmon fishery – had a banner year, and yet everywhere in the global market Alaska salmon fisheries look to be in more and more trouble over the long-term. A $2 to $3 dollar per pound commodity in the 1980s ($4 to $6 when corrected for inflation)Bristol Bay sockeye is today a $1 per pound commodity, and there is no sign the pricing is going to get much better. It could actually get worse. Chilean farmed salmon production is again on the rise and production costs in South America are falling. “AquaChile lowered costs by 13 percent in the first quarter of 2017, in line with other competitors,” Reuters reported from Santiago in mid-July.,,, Why does it matter? click here to read the story 19:54
Marine Harvest Canada appeals recent aquaculture regulations court decision
The company cites errors in fact and law as grounds for the appeal. The appeal has been filed on a number of grounds, including significant factual errors Justice Rennie made in his findings, according to a Marine Harvest press release. In its appeal, the company says that Justice Rennie erred in law by not placing the evidentiary onus on the applicant to show that the aquaculture license conditions were unreasonable, and the judge applied the wrong standard of review, replacing the Minister of Fisheries’ view of what may be harmful with his own. Read the rest here 20:33
DFO confirms farm raised salmon in the Garnish River of Newfoundland
DFO confirms farm raised salmon are in the Garnish River in Newfoundland. The escaped salmon appear to be healthy as far as being lice free. There are concern’s that the farmed fish could breed with wild salmon These escapes are called trickle escapes, but the numbers are unsubstantiated and could be much larger. More information will be posted.