Tag Archives: Featured Writer Dick Grachek
From Dick Grachek: CLF and The Right to the Judicial System
A Fish Story
This documentary follows the plight of 2 commercial fishing families as they cope with falling fish stocks and increasing government regulation. This is a foundational expose of a relationship between
enviro- opportunists and a certain type of fisherman. I will link this interesting and timely piece written by our own Dick Grachek, “CLF and CLF Ventures: or we get rich by litigating the hostile takeover and trading away of public resources for corporate exploitation while claiming to save the planet.” read the article and the video, A Fish Story
This is also quite a read! Like I said. Timely!
From the Ocean and Coastal Law Journal – Cost/benefit of litigation in fishery management, Vol 7-1, 2001
Ten Years After The Fall: Litigation And Groundfish Recovery In New England
Peter Shelley, Esq., Vice President, Conservation Law Foundation
Cod, NOAA, and Existence by Featured Writer Dick Grachek
This is an expanded response to John B.’s posted comment on a Standard-Times, New Bedford, article by Steve Urbon titled: “Petition seeks closing of NOAA fisheries regional office”, a comment in which John B. states that the New England fishermen’s troubles are due to “over harvesting” and that “NOAA is not the cause of the fishermen’s troubles.”, NOAA’s role he contends, “…is only the bearer of bad tidings” and so NOAA then, quite innocently, didn’t “cause” any of this mess; instead, he warns fishermen that “…unless the [fishing] industry takes an unflinching look at the realities that it is facing” or, “Ignore the realities, and the New England fishing industry may well go the way of Newfoundland’s, which fished itself out of existence some years ago.”
I risk appearing way-too-jaded,but can’t help being inspired by endeavors like this one!
Featured Writer Dick Grachek
I risk appearing way-too-jaded, but can’t help being inspired by endeavors like this one:
Would this area of Guppies Science (GS) perhaps qualify as a worthwhile Fisheries Research Project (FRP) for EDF-CLF-Pew-NOAA to invest in for some Best Available Science (BAS)? Along with money for Aquaculture Start-Ups (AQS-U) and Deep Sea Minerals Exploration (DSME) they might be tempted to throw a few $mil towards this Post-Doctoral Guppy Research (P-DGR).
Also along the lines of the Guppy Science article, I’ve included below some more Aquarium Fisheries Research Science (AFRS)(allright I’ll stop!) on the Yellow Tang “Fishery” from Oregon State University and a brilliant piece by Jane Lubchenco concerning turtle deaths in the Gulf of Mexico, as well.
Jane’s article and the OSU work from a few years ago certainly seems to be representative of the ridiculous level that these NOAA academics operate on. The tragedy is that their “science”—with push from EDF, CLF, and Pew—is turned into policy, then law, then fishery regulations that have devastated a vital domestic industry. Read more at Dick’s Featured Writer column here