Tag Archives: Fishing associations

Maryland Fishing Groups Take Striped Bass Restrictions Fight to Supreme Court

A coalition of Maryland fishing associations and charter boat operators have escalated their legal battle against new striped bass fishing restrictions, filing an emergency petition with the U.S. Supreme Court seeking to block the regulations. The Delmarva Fisheries Association (DFA) and the Maryland Charter Boat Association, along with two individual commercial fishermen, argue that the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (the Commission) recent measures impose “drastic, unwarranted, and illegal limitations” on striped bass fishing in the Chesapeake Bay and along the Atlantic coast. The petition, filed this week, claims the restrictions violate the U.S. Constitution and could jeopardize the livelihoods of many small businesses. The case follows months of legal disputes in lower courts, where the plaintiffs sought a preliminary injunction to halt the Commission’s 2024 striped bass management plan, known as Addendum II. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:10

Half Moon Bay: Commercial crab fishing set to start Monday

Commercial crab fishing season will start Monday, Jan. 11, in the Half Moon Bay area after local fishermen reached an agreement with seafood companies,,, The agreement means local Half Moon Bay fisherman will sell fresh crab on Johnson Pier at Pillar Point Harbor as early as Friday, Jan. 15. Local stores could see fresh crab arrive that weekend, according to Half Moon Bay fisherman Frank Souza. “We’re excited to get it started and stop all the phone calls and the stuff we are not good at,” Souza said. Fishing associations representing San Francisco, Bodega Bay and Half Moon Bay have reached a gentlemen’s agreement not to start setting down nets and gear in fishing waters until 8 a.m. Monday,, >click to read< 08:48

California Crab Fishermen Reduce Asking Price To $3.10; Representative for Processors Says COVID-19 Effects On Dungeness Market Continue – >click to read<