Tag Archives: frauds?
Why is it that so many prominent environmental campaigners turn out to be such scumbags, sleazebags, hypocrites or frauds?
The latest to be exposed is, of course, New York’s ex-Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. When Schneiderman wasn’t busy – allegedly – “choking, beating and threatening” women, he was busy bullying the people he calls “climate deniers”. Here he is on a video in 2014 declaring that “climate deniers have no place in public life.” Let me give you a few more examples: Al Gore and the Portland massage therapist (one of several victims, allegedly, of his tentacular groping…) Rajendra Pachauri, former head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, exposed as a serial sex pest. David Suzuki – Canada’s most feted eco-campaigner who just happens to be a dick who is extremely rude and – see also Gore – an appalling hypocrite: >click to read<12:40