Tag Archives: Fred Wahl Shipyard

Miss Berdie Gets a Makeover
When she came into the Fred Wahl shipyard in Reedsport, Oregon, the Miss Berdie was a fine looking boat with a bright red hull. When she left the yard this summer she was still a fine looking red vessel but bigger and better. After taking the 77 by 27.8 by 11.5-foot boat apart, the crew at Fred Wahl’s, working with a design by Hockema & Whalen Associates, put her back together with a 39-foot beam, a 12.7-foot molded depth and an overall registered length of 80.8 feet. In order to keep regulatory requirements regarding the overall length, they reduced the rake,,, Read the rest here 11:02
As The Boat Grows – F/V Miss Berdie
Newport, Oregon-based Miss Berdie was built by Rodriguez Boat Builders of Bayou LaBatre, Alabama in 1987. When the owner approached Fred Wahl Shipyard and the naval architect Hockema & Whalen Associates (HWA) about increasing the vessel’s capacity,,, Read the rest here 11:52