Tag Archives: F/V Margiris

Ban Mega Trawlers from Irish waters says Sinn Féin as F/V Margiris ploughs seas off Cork coast
It’s already been banned from Australian waters – now Sinn Féin’s spokesperson on fisheries says the FV Margiris and so called “super trawlers’ like her should not be allowed to fish off the Irish coast. The giant fishing vessel – which is less than 40 nautical miles off the Cork coast this afternoon – has been called the ‘Death Star of the Ocean” and can land up to 250 tonnes of fish a day, 14 times what a regular Irish trawler might take, while often leaving tonnes of unwanted ‘by-catch’, non-profitable marine life, dead in its wake. >click to read< 08:01
Supertrawler fishing ban comes to an end amid demands for permanent stop
The Stop the Trawler Alliance said Prime Minister Tony Abbott should make good on his promise in March that: “The supertrawler was banned from Australian waters…It will stay banned”. Read the rest here 08:22