Tag Archives: GARFO
For awareness: Maine advises fishermen in Jeffreys Ledge area to use one endline
Please be advised: Maine state officials have requested fishermen with gear in this area to use one endline. See excerpts from Maine Department of Marine Resources below: “A large number of endangered North Atlantic right whales remain off the western edge of Jeffreys Ledge. As many as 90 individual right whales have been identified in this area over the past couple of weeks. The most recent information suggests the whales may be feeding within Jeffreys Basin and the largest overlap of gear and whales appears to be in depths greater than 300 feet. I am strongly urging any lobster fisherman with trap gear set in greater than 300 feet of water inside the following area of Zone G to remove gear completely or drop one endline in order to reduce the number of vertical lines being fished. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 16:50

Update on Fishery Observer Program Restart, Which Resumes July 1st
On May 29, NOAA Fisheries announced that on July 1, the waiver of fishery monitoring will expire, and we will begin deploying observers and at-sea monitors on vessels fishing in northeast fisheries. In a letter released today, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Director Jon Hare is providing an update on preparations for a safe and efficient redeployment. For more details and to download the letter, >click to read< 18:30

Scoping Hearing on Lobster/Gear Right Whale Entanglements
On Tuesday night there will be a scoping meeting from 6-8 PM at Mass Maritime Academy to receive public input on ways to alter the American lobster fishery regulations to reduce mortality of North Atlantic right whales by 60%. This is a followup to the August 21, 2019 NOAA Fisheries GARFO (Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office) public meeting in Bourne that sought input on the recommendations from the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team,, >click to read< 20:29
NEFMC Seeks Input From Fishermen and Research Partners on RSA Programs; Take the Online Survey!
The New England Fishery Management Council is asking fishermen and their cooperative research partners who participate in the Atlantic Sea Scallop, Atlantic Herring, and/or Monkfish Research Set-Aside (RSA) Programs to take an online survey and provide feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of these programs and pass along any suggestions for improvement. Other stakeholders who have an interest or role in RSA programs also are encouraged to take the survey.,,, The survey, which contains roughly 40 questions, will be available online until mid-September 2018. >click to read<17:02

Despite sector shuffle, New Bedford fishermen will still be…
Whispers filled the convention room at the Hilton Wednesday as the dozens in attendance attempted to count the raised hands, which signified votes of the New England Fishery Management Council. The three attempts to accurately tally the votes only added to the drama of a discussion that involved a groundfishing ban that’s affected New Bedford since November. In the end, the vote didn’t provide a resolution for those fishermen out of work and the shoreside business affected by the ban. <click to read<18:27
New England Fishery Management Council to hear Sector IX’s post-Rafael plans
The New England Fishery Management Council will be updated on the groundfish crisis involving several New Bedford-based fishing sectors when it convenes for three days of meetings next week in Mystic, Connecticut. The groundfish presentation by staff from the Gloucester-based Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office will be the centerpiece of the groundfish report on Wednesday and is designed to provide “an overview of (Northeast Fishing) Sector IX’s steps to address its shortcomings, as well as a summary of Sector IX’s operations plan,” according to the agenda for the meetings. >click to read<19:26

Post Rafael, New Bedford Fishing Industry Looks to Move Forwad
For perhaps the first time, at least publicly, fishermen on Carlos Rafael vessels sat in the same room Wednesday as John Bullard, the former regional administrator for NOAA, who implemented a groundfishing ban for those vessels. Bullard, wearing a blue NOAA jacket, sat in the front of four-person panel brought together by Rhode Island Public Radio The fishermen, wearing baseball caps and New Bedford Ship Supply sweatshirts, sat to the left of the panel, which discussed fishing in New Bedford after Carlos Rafael at Star Store.>click to read<21:16

GARFO Releases 2017 Year in Review Report
The Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office is proud to announce the release of our third annual Year in Review report. In 2017, we continued to work toward our goals of sustainable use of living marine resources, conservation of the habitats upon which these resources depend, and the protection of endangered species and marine mammals. >click to read< 19:30

NOAA Names Michael Pentony new Regional Administrator of Greater Atlantic Region
Today, NOAA Fisheries announced that Mr. Michael Pentony is the new Regional Administrator for NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office in Gloucester, Massachusetts. He will assume his new duties on January 22, 2018. Mr. Pentony has been with the agency since 2002, serving in a series of positions including as the Assistant Regional Administrator for the Sustainable Fisheries Division since 2014. He succeeds retiring Regional Administrator John Bullard who had been in the position since 2012. >click here to read< 15:04
2016 GARFO Year in Review

Comment on Amendment 23 re: Slighted Ports – Jim Kendall
I wasn’t going to offer a comment on this Amendment simply because GARFO & company has once again chosen to ignore the value & the importance of holding a public hearing with the New Bedford/Fairhaven, & Rhode Island groundfish fishermen! My comment with regard to Amendment 23 to the NE GroundFish Multispecies’ FMP remains the same as I last tried to convey to the NEFMC & RA John Bullard! When the hell does New Bedford/Fairhaven, the largest groundfish port on the East Coast, rate a Scoping Hearing? This same question is being raised in Rhode Island as it pertains to them as well. continue reading the rest here 16:34
GARFO says, Meet our Enforcement Compliance Liaison!
About five years ago, NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement (OLE) in the Northeast Region strengthened its compliance assistance and outreach efforts by creating a new Compliance Liaison position. This position supports OLE’s goal of ensuring that those who obey the rules reap the benefits of fair competition and an even playing field in the market. (thank you Jihad Jane!) With 23 years of experience as a commercial fisherman for scallops and groundfish, and 10 years with our Sustainable Fisheries Division, Don Frei is a perfect fit for this job. Not only is he familiar with the needs of the fishing industry, but he knows a lot about fisheries management and regulations. As Compliance Liaison, it’s Don’s job to work with the fishing industry to increase both understanding of and compliance with regional fisheries regulations. To do this, Don spends a lot of time on the road talking to people. And he also: Read the rest here 17:46
Introducing the New GARFO Groundfish Disaster Spend Plan Updates Webpage, by RONCO, (as seen on tv!)
NOAA Federal – To make it easier to find the latest news and developments pertaining to the groundfish disaster spend plan, we have created a new webpage with links to various information. This page will be updated periodically when new information on this topic is shared. So be sure and check back. For ease of finding, you may want to book mark this page. Have a nice day! Read more here 17:48
GARFO: Distribution of Northeast Multispecies Groundfish Disaster Monies to States for First-Third of Consensus Plan
NOAA has awarded the first set of grants to five states (Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut), totaling approximately $10.6 million to provide direct financial assistance to fishermen affected by the groundfish fisheries resource disaster. We are working with the state of New York to finalize their grant application and hope to distribute that award shortly. Eligibility Criteria for First-Third of Federal Funding, All the details, Read more here 10:50
NOAA – Public Comment – The GARFO Collection – Vessel Identification Changes
The official number must be displayed on the port and starboard sides of the deckhouse or hull, and on an appropriate weather deck so as to be clearly visible from enforcement vessels and aircraft. The display of the identifying characters aids in fishery law enforcement. Read more here 16:32
Seeking a 41 percent butterfish quota decrease, NOAA Fisheries Seeks Comments on Proposed Quotas for Squid and Butterfish
NOAA Fisheries proposes squid and butterfish quotas for the 2018-2020 fishing years and will maintain the mackerel quotas previously set for 2018. Based on the status of these stocks, we are proposing a 41 percent decrease in the 2018 commercial butterfish quota compared to 2017, and a 2 percent increase for longfin squid. Annual quotas for Illex squid would be maintained at current levels, as they have been since 2012. A March 2017 butterfish assessment update indicates that recent low recruitment may soon reduce biomass below target levels. click here to read the notice 12:55
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