Tag Archives: Goliath Grouper

Will Florida allow goliath grouper fishing?
State wildlife officials will discuss the fish’s fate when the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) meets Feb. 8-10 in Crystal River. There is no specific proposal yet to allow the goliath’s harvest. At Wednesday’s meeting, FWC staff will provide the commission a review of the biology and recently-completed study of the fish’s population. “This is a review and discussion on the history, biology and recent stock assessment,” Amanda Nalley, an FWC spokeswoman said by email. “FWC will be asking the Commission whether or not staff should pursue gathering further public input on potential management changes, including the possibility of allowing some kind of limited harvest.” Read the story here 10:57
Goliath grouper harvest becoming popular idea – Florida F & W Conservation Commission wants the your opinion
In a University of Florida survey, 1,518 recreational hook-and-line fishermen, 574 recreational spear fishermen, 697 commercial fishermen and 352 sightseeing divers answered a series of questions about goliath grouper. Among the findings: Commercial fishermen: 68 percent were interested in harvesting goliath grouper; 32 percent said goliath grouper encounters were desirable; 42 percent said the goliath grouper is a nuisance species. Read the rest here 12:39
Goliath grouper grows in anglers’ wrath
Goliath grouper, lionfish eggs, shark chum and gun silencers are among the topics top state wildlife regulators will ponder next week. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission meets Sept. 10-11 in Kissimmee.The Goliaths are sucking up spiny lobsters, reef fish and other marine life, they say, tipping the food web’s balance. Read the rest here Watch video here 11:02
“We really don’t know if the stock is rebuilt,” Roy Crabtree of the National Marine Fisheries Service – Goliath grouper could be placed back on the hook
The possible future of South Florida fishing rules, including the latest information on Goliath grouper populations, goes before combined panels of federal and state fishery experts convening Jan. 7-9 in Key Largo. “This is really interesting stuff,” said Robert Mahood, executive director of the federal South Atlantic Fishery Management Council. Read more@bradenton.com” 01:15
Results Are In for Public Survey on Goliath Grouper – News Bulletin From University of Florida IFAS and Florida Sea Grant, July 31, 2013
Among the survey results: Many commercial reef fishermen believe that goliath grouper negatively impact ecosystems by decimating other fish populations. In addition, goliath interfere with fishing operations and many commercial fishermen (43 percent of hook and line, 87 percent of spear fishermen) have had to change where and how they fish to reduce such interactions. More than 70 percent of commercial fishermen surveyed would like to see the goliath-harvesting moratorium lifted. continued@floridasportsman