Tag Archives: government funding bill

Maine political leaders push provision in federal spending bill decried by environmental groups as threat to right whales
Members of the delegation, including US Senator Susan Collins, said they plan to push a provision in the spending bill that would revive for 10 years federal fisheries rule that environmental groups successfully challenged in court earlier this year. Congressional leaders announced a framework for the spending legislation last Tuesday, and plan to use the days before Christmas to finalize details. In a letter Friday to Democratic congressional leaders, 15 environmental groups urged lawmakers to leave the language out of the spending bill. “This is a profound and disturbing end run around the legal system,” said Erica Fuller, senior attorney for the Conservation Law Foundation in Boston, on Saturday in a phone interview. >click to read< 07:44

Sen. Susan Collins Moves to Block Stricter Rules Protecting Endangered Whales
Senator Susan Collins is pushing for a provision in the massive government funding bill that could further endanger the already precarious North Atlantic right whale. In July, a federal judge ruled that a 2021 regulation from the NOAA, which established new requirements for lobster traps in an effort to reduce the risk of those traps entangling and harming or killing whales, didn’t go far enough. The judge has since given federal regulators until 2024 to come up with what are expected to be even stricter rules to safeguard the imperiled whale. Collins’ provision, which has not yet been introduced, seeks to block those regulations and cement the 2021 rule for a minimum of 10 years. >click to read< 09:21