Tag Archives: Groundfish Committee Meeting

A Big One! NEFMC Groundfish Committee Meeting – Wed. and Thurs. September 17-18, 2014 – Listen Live

nefmc logo The meeting is scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m. each day at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, 363 Maine Mall Road, South Portland, ME 04106. Webinar Registration: For online access to the meeting, please click here Meeting Materials: Please consult the Council’s website by clicking here You will find an agenda and copies of the materials to be considered.  Questions? call Pat Fiorelli (978) 465-0492 ext. 106, or email at pfiorelli@nefmc.org. Read this letter from David Pierce, Deputy Director NEFMC. Background, Serious Trouble Read it here Gulf of Maine Cod Stock Status and Needed Action 16:57

Webinar Invitation​: “NEFMC Groundfish Committee Meeting – Closed Area Technical Team Discussion​”

nefmc logoThe New England Fishery Management Council will be live streaming the discussions scheduled to occur on the second day of its Groundfish Committee meeting to be held tomorrow, Wednesday, April 17, 2013, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Please click on the following link for a copy of the agenda and meeting materials here and registration information is here.