Tag Archives: Head of Science Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg

Friday Tomfoolery with Sylvia Earle, the woman that would pass on the Pollock but would eat your Poodle!

toy-poodle_papercraftSo, Sylvia Earle, renowned Biologist, and anti fishing crusader, delivered her remarks to some of the biggest hypocrites in our history, at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21). Read Weaving a Tapestry of Hope for Ocean and Earth (click here) Despite its absence from the official agenda, Dr. Earle has helped give the ocean a voice at COP21. She spoke of the importance of ensuring a future with coral reefs in conversation with Sir David Attenborough, Sir Richard Branson,,,, Click here for past Friday Tomfoolery’s  14:56