Tag Archives: individual quotas

Tokyo’s proposal to cap saury catch tanks after neighbors slam it as unfair
The North Pacific Fisheries Commission held its annual meeting earlier this month to discuss an international framework to prevent overfishing. But its eight members were ultimately unable to agree on individual quotas for Pacific saury, a popular seasonal fish, amid strong opposition from China and other players. Tokyo had proposed annual caps of 242,000 tons on Japan’s catch, 191,000 tons for Taiwan and 47,000 tons for China. State-run China Central Television reported that Japan blamed China for the shrinking stock of saury, and said Tokyo’s proposal was “irrational” and unfairly tough on its neighbor. Chinese microblogging site Weibo erupted with disapproving posts. Users questioned why Japan should be allowed five times the catch when its population was just one-thirteenth of China’s, while others said Japan’s own problems with overfishing tuna gave it “no right to criticize other countries.” click here to read the story 18:18
FISH-NL recommends DFO immediately suspend extra cod to south coast inshore harvesters
“The priority must be to ensure all inshore harvesters have the opportunity to at least catch their basic IQs (Individual Quotas),” says Ryan Cleary, President of FISH-NL. It’s rumoured that more than 60 per cent of the 6,500-tonne cod quota that’s been set this year off the south coast (fishing zone 3Ps) has already been taken. A DFO official said late Wednesday afternoon the Department has noticed an increase in landings, and is “monitoring” the situation. While south coast harvesters are assigned IQs, they’re also allowed to catch even more cod — this year it’s up to one full extra IQ, which local harvesters refer to as a “bump”. Rumour also has it that Ocean Choice International is currently gearing up its offshore vessels to catch south coast cod this fall. click here to read the story 23:43
Tribe Agrees to State Terms on Elvers
The Passamaquoddy Tribe has agreed to abide by state fishing rules for the elver season that kicks off this weekend, ending the threat of conflict with state officials. Read more here mpbn 16:21
Maine’s new elver rules will delay season start until April
Jeff Nichols, spokesman for Maine Department of Marine Resources, said Tuesday that because of the time needed to work out the logistics of the new measures, the season is not expected to start until April 5. Read more here 16:36
Mandated elver catch reduction to be discussed Jan. 2 in Brewer, Me
The purpose of the meeting is for Maine Department of Marine Resources officials to talk to elver fishermen and dealers about landings reductions that have been mandated by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. The commission has told Maine that it must reduce its 2014 elver landings total by 25 to 40 percent from the 2013 harvest total. Read more@bdn 18:07