Tag Archives: injured fisherman

Coast Guard Medevacs injured Fisherman about 150 miles offshore from Yaquina Bay, Oregon.
The Coast Guard medevaced an injured fisherman Tuesday from a 63-foot commercial fishing boat operating about 150 miles offshore from Yaquina Bay, Oregon. Rescued was Nathanial Miller, 24. Watchstanders at Coast Guard Station Yaquina Bay received a call for help Tuesday at about 1:30 p.m. from a person using a satellite phone aboard the fishing boat Piky. After the distress was relayed from the station to watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector North Bend, Oregon, a Coast Guard flight surgeon deemed it necessary to medevac Miller and transport him to a higher level of medical care as soon as possible. >click to read< 13:15

Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak crew medevacs an injured fisherman north of Kodiak Island
At approximately 12:45p.m., Sector Anchorage command center personnel received notification from the wife of the fishing vessel’s master requesting a medevac for an injured crew member. District 17 command center personnel directed the launch of an Air Station Kodiak MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter aircrew to respond. At approximately 1:42 p.m., the aircrew landed on a nearby beach and further transported the man to local EMS. “Good communications from the boat, excellent flexibility and the captain’s expert seamanship enabled a very quick pick-up and transfer of the injured fisherman to medical care.” >click to read< 08:02

Video: Coast Guard medevacs fisherman injured 170 miles southwest of Kodiak
The Coast Guard medevaced an injured fisherman Saturday from a boat southwest of Kodiak Island. A Coast Guard MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew from Air Station Kodiak hoisted the 49-year-old man from the 58-foot fishing vessel Alaskan Dream at approximately 1:15 p.m. He was transported to Air Station Kodiak and placed in the care of awaiting local EMS. Video, >click to watch< 15:31

Injured fisherman rescued off Cork, airlifted by Irish Coast Guard Rescue 117
A 22-year-old fisherman from the Faroe Islands is being treated at Cork University Hospital after being hit by heavy chains and falling on steelwork on board a trawler off the Cork coast. The incident happened around 400km off Cork in heavy seas. The fisherman was airlifted off the trawler by the crew of the Irish Coast Guard helicopter Rescue 117. The Faroe Islands’ Marine Rescue Coordination Centre first alerted the Irish Coast Guard. Video, >click to read< 20:56

Three Coast Guard aircrews transit more than 1,200 miles to medevac man from fishing vessel west of Dutch Harbor
A Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew medevaced a man from the 116-foot commercial fishing vessel Patricia Lee 190 miles west of Dutch Harbor, Alaska, early Tuesday morning. The helicopter crew safely transported the 27-year-old man from the fishing vessel Patricia Lee to awaiting air ambulance personnel in Dutch Harbor for further care. The man was reported to have been in stable condition. District 17 command center watchstanders received a report Monday evening from the fishing vessel’s master that a crewman had been hit in the head by a crab pot. >click to read<18:29

Coast Guard medevacs injured fisherman 13 miles west of Grays Harbor
The Coast Guard medically evacuated an injured fisherman 13 miles west of the Grays Harbor, Washington, entrance, Monday morning. A Coast Guard boat crew aboard a 47-foot Motor Life Boat from Station Grays Harbor met up with with the commercial fishing vessel Myrna Lynn to transfer the 50-year-old injured fisherman to shore, and get him treated by emergency medical services for a severe hand injury and shock. Watchstanders at Sector Columbia River received the injury report via VHF-FM radio at 8:15 a.m., and directed the launch of the boat crew. The patient transfer between the Myrna Lynn and the boat crew occurred at 9 a.m. >link< -USCG-

Coast Guard medevacs injured fisherman near Texas City, Texas
The Coast Guard medevaced an injured fisherman off the 44-foot fishing vessel Donnie J near the Texas City Dike, Thursday morning. Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston watchstanders received a request from a crewmember aboard the Donnie J for a medevac after the vessel’s captain was injured due to being struck in the head by gear onboard the vessel. The Donnie J had a two person crew and needed an experienced boat driver to navigate the vessel back to port. A Station Galveston crewmember was placed onboard to safely transit the Donnie J to Pier 21 in Galveston. -USCG- 16:12
Coast Guard medevacs injured fisherman near Freeport, Texas
The Coast Guard medevaced an injured fisherman from a fishing vessel approximately eight miles south of Freeport, Texas, Tuesday morning . At 9:29 a.m., Sector Houston-Galveston watchstanders overheard a report on Channel 16 of a crewmember aboard the fishing vessel Lady Tina who suffered a possible concussion and broken leg. A Station Freeport boatcrew arrived on scene at 10:40 a.m. and transported the injured man to awaiting emergency medical services personnel at Coast Guard Station Freeport. The man was last reported in stable condition. -USCG-
Coast Guard medevacs injured fisherman 25 miles off Nantucket
The Coast Guard medevaced a seriously injured fisherman Saturday from a boat 25 miles east of Nantucket, Massachusetts. A man aboard the fishing vessel Hera contacted watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector Southeastern New England Saturday evening and reported another crewman suffered a head laceration, and was in immediate need of professional medical care. A helicopter aircrew from Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod deployed to medevac the man, and flew him to Massachusetts General Hospital where his care was transferred to medical personnel. –USCG– 08:26
Coast Guard medevacs injured fisherman in Pamlico Sound
The Coast Guard medevaced an injured fisherman in Pamlico Sound, North Carolina, Thursday. Watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector North Carolina in Wilmington received a call on VHF-FM channel 16 at about 5:55 p.m., reporting that a 53-year-old deckhand aboard the 83-foot fishing vessel Chasity Brooke injured his hand about 10 miles east of Hobucken, North Carolina. Sector North Carolina watchstanders issued an urgent marine information broadcast and launched a Coast Guard 24-foot Special Purpose Craft-Shallow Water boat crew from Station Hobucken to assist. –USCG–

Coast Guard medevacs injured fisherman near Martha’s Vineyard
A Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod crew medevaced an injured fisherman Saturday afternoon from Muskeget Channel between Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket. At around 1:30 p.m. the 75-foot fishing vessel Perception notified Coast Guard watchstanders that a crewmember had fallen and sustained injuries and was in need of medical attention. An Air Station Cape Cod MH-60 Jayhawk rescue helicopter was already in the air and diverted to assist. The aircrew arrived on scene and hoisted the fisherman off Perception at around 2:15 p.m. They then flew to Hyannis Airport and transferred the patient to awaiting Emergency Medical Services personnel at around 2:45 p.m. The fisherman was then brought to Cape Cod Hospital for further care. -USCG- click for video 21:43

Coast Guard medevacs injured fisherman 86 miles east of Cape Cod
A Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod aircrew medevaced an injured fisherman Thursday evening from 86 miles off the coast of Cape Cod. At around 5 p.m., the captain of the 75-foot fishing vessel Destiny notified First District command center watchstanders that one of his crewmembers had fallen and sustained injuries to his hand and ribs. An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew launched and arrived on scene at around 8 p.m. Once on scene, the crew used a basket to hoist the fisherman to the helicopter. The fisherman was then flown to Air Station Cape Cod where emergency medical services personnel were waiting to transport the 54-year-old man to Falmouth Hospital. The Destiny is homeported out of New Bedford. Click here for video 11:36

Video – Coast Guard aircrew hoists injured man from fishing boat 25 miles off Cape Ann
A helicopter crew from Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod hoisted an injured fisherman Saturday from a fishing boat 25 miles southeast of Cape Ann. The captain of Golden Girl contacted Coast Guard Sector Boston watchstanders Saturday morning and reported a crewman aboard severely injured his hand and needed medical attention. The aircrew launched and arrived on scene at about 12:20 p.m. to medevac the man. After a successful hoist, the man was taken to Massachusetts General Hospital. Helicopter pilot Lt. Kyle Bertoluzzi said despite a low ceiling at takeoff, the skies cleared about halfway over Cape Cod Bay. He said the quick action of Golden’s Girl’s crew, flawless work by the flight mechanic, and teamwork by all helped this medevac go smoothly to get the injured man quickly into the care of doctors. Watch the video, click here 21:09
Coast Guard medevacs injured fisherman in Pybus Bay, Alaska
A Coast Guard Air Station Sitka MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew medevaced an injured mariner off the fishing vessel Vendor in Pybus Bay, near Fredrick Sound, approximately 80 miles south of Juneau, Wednesday. The Jayhawk crew hoisted the 37-year-old man and transported him to awaiting emergency medical personnel in Sitka. Coast Guard Sector Juneau watchstanders responded to a mayday call from the mariner on VHF channel 16. The mariner requested assistance after reportedly suffering from a leg laceration. Watchstanders consulted with the duty flight surgeon and requested the launch of the Air Station Sitka Jayhawk and a Station Juneau Response Boat-Medium. “Having communication and safety devices on board your vessel is critical in Alaskan waters,” said Petty Officer 1st Class Francell Abbott, Sector Juneau watchstander. “Having a VHF radio allowed this mariner to call for help and allowed our crew to quickly get him to EMS.” Weather on scene was 12-mph winds, 1-foot seas. Link 08:39
Chatham Coast Guard crew medevacs injured fisherman
Coast Guard Station Chatham crewmembers medevaced an injured fisherman Saturday night near the entrance of Great Round Shoal. A person aboard the fishing boat Illusion, which was about 30 miles east of Nantucket en route to its homeport of New Bedford, contacted Coast Guard watchstanders Saturday and reported a crewmember suffered a severe hand laceration and required immediate medical attention. A response boat crew from Coast Guard Station Chatham launched with two fire department EMTs aboard to rendezvous with Illusion and aid the fisherman. The Coast Guard and fishing boat met at the entrance of Great Round Shoal where the injured fisherman was transferred aboard the Coast Guard boat. The EMTs provided the man care while he was transported to Saquatucket Harbor to awaiting emergency medical services personnel. Link 12:05
Coast Guard medevacs injured fisherman near Kodiak, Alaska
The Coast Guard medevaced a 26-year-old fisherman from the 79-foot fishing vessel Pacific Star approximately 74 miles southeast of the city of Kodiak, Alaska, Saturday. A Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew hoisted the injured fisherman and transported him to awaiting emergency medical services personnel at the Kodiak Airport. Coast Guard Sector Anchorage watchstanders received the call for assistance at approximately 11:03 a.m. from the operator of the Pacific Star that a deckhand had been struck in the head by deck rigging and needed medical attention. Watchstanders consulted the duty flight surgeon who recommended the medevac. The Jayhawk helicopter crew was dispatched to the scene. Click here to watch the video 12:03
Video: Coast Guard medevacs injured fisherman 60 miles off Cape May, NJ
The Coast Guard medevaced a 27-year-old fisherman Friday after the man suffered a leg injury 62 miles east of Cape May. A crew member from the fishing vessel Stacy Lee called watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay in Philadelphia at approximately 12:45 a.m. to request assistance. An MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew from Coast Guard Air Station Atlantic City arrived on scene and hoisted the man at approximately 2:40 a.m. The helicopter crew transferred the man to EMS personnel at the AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey. “The crew of the fishing boat did a good job administrating first aid to the survivor,” said Petty Officer 3rd Class Joe Foss, the rescue swimmer on the case. “The boat was rocking forward and aft in the large seas, so we had to be careful not to hit the antennas as we performed the hoists. All of our training definitely made this a successful rescue.” Link – Video 08:26
Video: Coast Guard medevacs injured fisherman 70 miles off Barnegat Light, NJ
The Coast Guard medevaced a 49-year-old man Wednesday 70 miles east of Barnegat Light, New Jersey. Watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay in Philadelphia received notification at approximately 9:15 a.m. from the crew of the 77-foot fishing vessel Determination of a crewmember who suffered injuries to his right hand. The fishing vessel Determination is homeported in Rhode Island. Video, Click here 10:49
Coast Guard conducts medevac of Injured Fisherman near Cold Bay, Alaska
KODIAK, Alaska — The Coast Guard medevaced a 23-year-old man with an injured hand from 120-foot crab fishing vessel approximately 75 miles north of Cold Bay, Thursday. Coast Guard 17th District command center watchstanders received the call for assistance from the operator of the F/V Trailblazer that a deckhand had crushed his hand in a crab pot launcher and needed immediate medical attention. Read the rest here 19:53
Coast Guard medevacs injured fisherman after crab pot falls on him
A Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew, forward deployed to Cold Bay, medevaced an injured fisherman from a fishing vessel 150 miles southeast of Sand Point, Alaska, Sunday evening.,, injured after a crab pot fell on him during loading operations Read the rest here 16:35
Helicopter crew medevacs an injured fisherman from a vessel in the Gulf of Alaska – video
JUNEAU, Alaska – Coast Guard medevaced an injured mariner from a vessel in the Gulf of Alaska, 90 miles south of Seward, Tuesday. The aircrew safely hoisted the man from the 58-foot fishing vessel Optimus and transported him to emergency medical personnel in Anchorage. Read more here 21:47 video here
Coast Guard medevacs injured fisherman from F/V Prowler near St. Paul, Alaska
A Coast Guard MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew from Air Station Kodiak, forward deployed aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Munro, transported the man to emergency medical services in St. Paul after he was transferred to the Munro from the Prowler. The crew of the Munro was notified of an injury to the man’s left eye by the crew of the Prowler, located 74 miles southwest of St. Paul and launched a smallboat crew to transfer the man to the Munro to be examined by a health service technician aboard the cutter. Read more@uscgnews 22:54
Coast Guard Air Station Sitka MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew medevaced an injured fisherman from F/V Jerilyn 92 miles southeast of Sitka,
Coast Guard 17th District Command Center watchstanders received a request for the medevac from the master of the Jerilyn Monday morning stating the fisherman had been injured while using a winch aboard the vessel. The watchstanders consulted the duty flight surgeon who recommended the medevac and then directed the launch of the Jayhawk crew. @uscgnews