Tag Archives: Joe Dion

‘Harpoon Hunters’ Review: Targeting Tuna on Discovery
When a show like “Deadliest Catch” can last for 20 seasons—and even outlast a collapse in the Alaskan crab population—there is a decided hunger for something like “Harpoon Hunters,” which makes a lot of sense, especially for its producers. Humans are battling the ocean and the treasure is aquatic, but summer on Cape Cod is considerably more congenial than winter in the Bering Sea. And the contest at hand is still daunting—catching high-priced Atlantic bluefin tuna with a spear (and enough accompanying voltage to kill the fish instantly). There are rivalries, deadlines, anguish, setbacks, mangled men and mangled language. It’s a combination seafood platter. Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 13:01