Tag Archives: Kinsale

Nephew, 12, dedicates gruelling sea challenge to raise funds for charity to beloved uncle who died in trawler tragedy

When popular Kinsale fisherman Des Hurley died in a tragic accident at sea on December 14, his family and the wider community in Kinsale were devastated by his loss. Des was Joey’s godfather and best friend, and his death left the lad with his world shattered. But he bravely channeled his grief into exercise with the help of friend and personal trainer Mickey Power, who understood how shock and sadness can affect someone so young. The Duathlon for Des on Saturday on August 10 saw Joey kayak from the Bulman Bar to James Fort, followed by a 10 km run from James Fort to Charles Fort and back, finishing with the 1km kayak crossing back to the Bulman. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:14

UNITE TO FIGHT FOR THE FUTURE – On 23rd June, Irish fishermen plan to take their campaign to Dublin

A flotilla of over 60 fishing vessels steamed into Cork City last month to protest over quota cuts, the Brexit Deal, SFPA failures and the disastrous EU Common Fisheries Policy. The flotilla consisting of boats from Dingle, Castletownbere, Baltimore, Union Hall, Ballycotton, Kinsale, Dunmore East, Crosshaven, Kilmore Quay and other fishing communities steamed in single file from Roches Point, at the mouth of the harbour, to the docks in Cork city centre for a rally that was attended by nearly a thousand fishermen, friends and family. On 23rd June, Irish fishermen plan to take their campaign to raise public awareness of the plight of the industry to Dublin, building on the profile raised by the recent Cork Show & Tell demo by increasing the number of fishermen and families involved to include more inshore vessels and community groups from around Ireland’s coastal communities. >photos, click to read< 12:12