Tag Archives: Marblehead

A woman in a (lobster)man’s world

At 81, Susan Michaud is a lifelong lobsterman, born into a family deeply rooted in the trade. “My father had three girls, and I happened to be the middle child, so I became the son,” she said. When Michaud started high school at 14, her father found a unique way to support her financially — by putting her to work. He made it clear he wouldn’t be giving her any spending money, but he did provide her a 16-foot wooden Amesbury skiff, 50 traps, bait and a crate. He told her he would sell the lobsters she caught and give her the money. Michaud had already joined the Atlantic Lobstermen’s Co-Operative, which allowed her to sell them directly. “For four years, I went lobstering with my 50 traps. It was fantastic,” she said. “I saw a girlfriend the other day, and she said, ‘You know, you were the only one in high school who had money. You were the only one who had their own car.” photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:46

N.S. lobster fisherman’s buoy ends up in Massachusetts 5 years after another landed in Norway!

On Wednesday, David Fanning spotted what he thought was a bright yellow beach ball washed ashore outside of his home. His wife walked down to the beach to get a closer look. Included on the buoy was a seven-digit phone number and the name Terry Saulnier.,,  Saulnier said he lost the buoy last December or January. “I just told my wife I’m starting to be [buoy] famous,” he said. The lobster fisherman said he uses 42 buoys and loses around a half-dozen a year, but usually gets most of them back. photos, >click to read< 08:17

Starr Campbell says Support your local lobstermen

A recent article in the Reporter focused on an issue concerning our local lobstermen. Apparently, many of them are feeling “left out in the cold” due to complaints from neighbors regarding the storage of ” unsightly traps” on their property. We must not forget that Marblehead was founded by those hardy souls who went out for fish & eventually for lobsters. While their numbers are smaller now & Marblehead is more diversified we should not lose sight of the fact that it is because of them & their predecessors that Marblehead has thrived. click here to read the letter 10:45

Marblehead lobstermen frustrated by lack of storage optionsclick here to read the story

Marblehead lobstermen frustrated by lack of storage options

Local lobstermen are feeling left out in the cold with no place to store their traps for the winter season. “A lot of us would store them in our backyards, but then the neighbors complain,” said Ray Bates, who is leading an effort to get the town to set aside a place for trap storage. “They go right to the Board of Health, they call them unsightly.” What’s a lobsterman to do? Bates recently dropped off a petition at the Health Department,,, click here to read the story 10:38