John Bullard – GARFO Administrator of NOAA Fisheries – YOU”RE ON THE PRICE IS RIGHT!! COME ON DOWN!!!
Published on Feb 17, 2014 “There’s room for everyone, if we plan.” John Bullard,
Northeast Regional GARFO Administrator of NOAA Fisheries NMFS VIDEO Ocean Frontiers website: 09:38
john ballard is a fraud,just like all the frauds before him
I think the big white chief is speaking with forked tongue. If he tells us to, “Endeavor to Persevere.” we should declare war before we are all pushed onto reservations.
If he didn’t have his Coat pulled back he’d look like the other bloated Sea Lions sinking the Floats on the West Coast and about as useless.
I know what I use my JOHN for we call it a Head Offshore.