Tag Archives: John Bullard – GARFO Administrator

Marty Stillufsen – Who is to blame? and what to do with the money!

Hello Mr. Bullard,  Congratulations on your retirement. You have the proud title of being the only respondent to any of my e-mails that I have sent since 2012 (lobster leased territory management suggestion). Thank you! I recently responded to a media article on the Raphael case. I hope that it made it to your desk.  “Raphael apparently has a long history of fisheries and IRS violations that has been going on for quite some time. It’s a mystery to me how the National Marine Fisheries Service avoided monitoring this individual sooner; considering the disproportionate quantity of permits he held. click here to read the letter 13:14

John Bullard – GARFO Administrator of NOAA Fisheries – YOU”RE ON THE PRICE IS RIGHT!! COME ON DOWN!!!

cbrownwebPublished on Feb 17, 2014  “There’s room for everyone, if we plan.” John Bullard, Northeast Regional  GARFO Administrator of NOAA Fisheries   NMFS     VIDEO     Ocean Frontiers website: http://ocean-frontiers.org/  09:38