Tag Archives: Michael Leonard

Lobster harvesters in southwest N.S say deal with Indigenous groups is being abused

On Thursday, fishing groups claimed the “interim authorization” approved this year by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) contains a change that allows moderate livelihood traps to be fished by non-Indigenous harvesters who lease commercial lobster licences held by First Nations. “It’s a clear breach of good faith between the fishing communities of southwest Nova Scotia and the federal government,” said spokesperson Colin Sproul of the Bay of Fundy Fishermen’s Association. DFO did not respond to a request for comment.  The industry groups said Michael Leonard, director of Indigenous fisheries management for DFO’s Maritimes region, said during a briefing on Wednesday that an option known as stacking, or allowing one boat to fish under two licences, is taking place. more, >>click to read<< 07:07

DFO says it has enough resources to monitor Indigenous lobster fishing in Nova Scotia

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) says its enforcement branch will be on the water and adequately equipped to monitor compliance of First Nations lobster fisheries this summer. The pledge follows the chaotic fishery for baby eels this spring where there was widespread illegal activity by some Indigenous and non-Indigenous harvesters. DFO shut down the legal elver fishery, affecting both commercial licence holders and Indigenous groups with fishing plans approved by the department. But “poaching”, as federal Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray called it, continued. “I want to clarify they are two very different fisheries,” Maritimes region director of conservation and protection Tim Kerr told reporters Monday in a briefing on Indigenous rights-based lobster fisheries. >click to read< 08:35