Tag Archives: Mike Dunn

“All I am is a fisherman. That’s all I’m guilty of Your Honour.”
On May 31, 2010, the biggest haul of cocaine ever found in UK waters was discovered in 11 holdalls along the shore of the Isle of Wight, worth £53 million. Four fishermen and a local scaffolder who masterminded the operation were charged and found guilty of the offence, and were sentenced to 104 years in prison between them. They have always denied any involvement. Subsequent appeals have been lost but the men continue to protest their innocence. A new book tells the story from the perspective of one of the convicted fishermen, Jamie Green. The book, The Freshwater Five: A Fishing Crew’s Fight For Justice After Being Jailed for 104 Years is Jamie’s story written by Mike Dunn and Nicky Green. >click to read< 21:05