Tag Archives: new commercial fishing vessel

New Twin-Rigger’s Efficiency and Comfort
Looking for a modern trawler with more comfort for the crew, as well as better steaming speed and fuel efficiency when towing, while staying largely with the successful and familiar layout of their previous vessel, Derek Watt and his son Philip went back to Macduff for their new Excel BF-100. Designed to operate from Fraserburgh, fishing primarily for nephrops in the North Sea, the new F/V Excel replaces vessel of the same name that Macduff delivered to the family in 2010 and which has served them well since. Staying with the general internal layout and working arrangement that has shown itself to work well over the years was a key factor in the design, developed by the owners with the yard and Macduff Ship Design, which would make the transition to the new vessel a painless process. Photos, >click to read< 13:23

New commercial fishing vessels are needs-tailored
A new compact commercial fishing vessel is meant for general use but designed for conditions of the particular fishery of Bristol Bay, Alaska. Elliott Bay Design Group’s (EBDG) new 32-foot gillnetter is an ultra-shallow, triple-jet boat created for the very shallow waters of Bristol Bay (less than 20-feet); and with the bay’s currents and tides and 32-foot boat length limitation in mind. It can do 20 knots and has a 20,000-pound fish capacity. The model’s design, short, but stocky and hardy in profile, may set it apart from other vessels working in the very active Bristol Bay fishery, which is one of the bright spots of Alaska’s fisheries. >click to read< 17:18

Fifteen Month Build
‘It’s a huge difference compared to the old F/V Baldvin,’ skipper Arnar Óskarsson said, when the new trawler had left the storm behind and had a day’s steaming to go to dock in Keflavík. 15 metres longer than its predecessor and has an extra four metres of beam, F/V Baldvin Njálsson performed well on the way home, although the route back to Iceland involved taking a long detour out to sea to sidestep the heaviest weather. ‘We have even had the owner on board for the delivery trip. She’s 82 years old, and decided to take a trip to Spain and come home with us,’ he said. photos, >click to read< 09:44