Tag Archives: New yellowtail flounder survey

New Yellowtail Flounder Survey Raises Questions Over Accuracy of Official Population Estimates

logoThe initial results of a new, independent survey of Georges Bank yellowtail flounder raises questions over whether federal assessments of yellowtail abundance have been systematically underestimating the size of the population. more@savingseafood.org 12:12

New yellowtail flounder survey on tap – Long awaited commercial fleet collaborative research inclusion is finally realized

NEW BEDFORD — Five fisheries scientists based in Woods Hole came to the city Wednesday and spelled out the details of a new yellowtail flounder survey to be performed from commercial fishing vessels in August. The effort is dsct logoesigned to bring commercial fishermen into the process of conducting surveys, and to give the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s survey ship Bigelow something to compare to. The NOAA is looking for two boats big enough to berth five scientists and five crew members, who will work 24-hour days in shifts for 12 days. continued@southcoasttoday