Tag Archives: new-york

New York, and Connecticut Lawmakers seeking $65 million to clean up Long Island Sound

With new legislation proposed to protect and restore the waters of the Long Island Sound, Connecticut and New York lawmakers are hoping to reverse the effects of decades of over-development and pollution. The Long Island Sound Restoration and Stewardship Act would combine two water quality and shore restoration programs to be funded at, respectively, $40 million and $25 million per year through 2020. Read the rest here 19:22

Rome Packing Co., Inc., of East Providence Recalls Crab Meat

 A company is recalling crab meat they sold to several states after finding it was contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes bacteria. The Rhode Island Department of Health said on Friday that Rome Packing Co., Inc., of East Providence, issued the voluntary recall of several kinds of fresh and frozen crab meat sold under the Ocean’s Catch brand. The meat was distributed in Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois and California to retail stores including but not limited to: Shaw’s Supermarkets, Legal Sea Foods, and Harbor Fish Market. Read the rest here 20:06

New York: Bill Enabling Easier Transfer of Family Fishing Licenses is Now Law

The new law amends the environmental conservation law allowing the Department of Environmental Conservation to transfer certain commercial fishing licenses to immediate family members in cases where a license holder dies prior to transferring his or her license. Read more here 11:17

Two watermen plead guilty in striped bass poaching case

Two Tilghman Island watermen pleaded guilty Friday in U.S. District Court to illegally taking 185,925 pounds of striped bass from the Chesapeake Bay. Michael D. Hayden, 41, and William J. Lednum, 42, admitted to selling the striped bass for $498,293 through a ring they operated between 2007 and 2011, according to court documents. Read more here  07:24

Virginia abided by menhaden catch limit for 2013

In late 2012, Virginia and other Atlantic states adopted the first coast-wide catch limit for menhaden in a historic effort to save the “most important fish in the sea” from years of overfishing. Read more here 


Fisherynation Editorial – Jane (eliminator) Lubchenco’s Consolidation Porn Production. Paid for with your fish.

So. I’m sittin’ here rackin’ my brain, just wondering, what beauracratic, moronic, opportunist would commission a group of dream team bean counters, with some financial hocus pocus wizards to invent a $180 million dollar loan package (that’s what it is) for a desperate, beleaguered, broken industry, and wondering what collateral is being used to support this Jane  (eliminator) Lubchenco, consolidation porn production?!!

My fish. Your fish. Our fish.

I mean, man. You know none of the politicians would come up with an idea like that?!

They BURN money. They don’t expect it to provide a return. They shovel it to get rid of problems. Shut people up. Closure.

Then they do it again for the next big thing!

But this. THIS is REALLY something!

A $180 Million dollar loan to buy up the rest of the guys that our politicians say they care about, the little guys, freeing up all kinds of fish to finance the thing.

$15 Million for at sea monitors that NOAA was looking at from their budget because it was a small boat breaker.

Paid for with our fish.

Slick little fix for Andy and his gig from Team Dismantle.
Good score, Drew!! aunty got yer back!

Paid for with our now more expensive fish.

$30 MILLION so the big boys can have more fish, plus $5 million for sector management that should after two years should be self sufficient by now, and will be seeing an exodus of the disenfranchised.

And a paltry $7.5 MILLION for collaborative and “traditional” research?

From what I’ve seen of “traditional” lately from Team Eliminator, “traditional” should continue to be funded from “traditional” sources. Like the NOAA budget, while this industry aligned with schools like SMAST and VIMS get us what we need. Real results, not that eco system crap Rusty does.

That “traditional” has been continuous trade offs, as was revealed at the yellow tail working group meeting. Enough trade offs.

I say $7.5 Million for collaborative research should come from the NOAA budget. Its time the people’s money was used properly.

This thing has a familiar odor.