Tag Archives: noaa-nmfs

Nils Stolpe: While it’s called fishery management, it’s not even close – Managing fishing, not fish
“At the global scale, probably the one thing currently having the most impact (on the oceans) is overfishing and destructive fishing gear.” (former National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration head Jane Lubchenco in an interview on the website Takepart.com on April 7, 2010.) The Deepwater Horizon oil spill catastrophe began on April 20, less than two weeks later. Each year in the U.S. hundreds of millions of tax dollars are spent on what is called fishery management. It’s called fisheries management in the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Read the article here 19:14
Update: Federal Funding for At-Sea Monitoring Likely to Extend into 2016
We are pleased to announce an update on the status of federal funding for at-sea monitors in the New England Groundfish fishery. We have been informed that industry has facilitated an initial agreement among the three at-sea monitoring contract providers that may allow the remaining contract funds remaining to cover at-sea monitors after December 31 across the fleet, until those funds are expended, through sub-contracting arrangements. Read the notice here Why can they do this? Because they have ELIMINATED half the fleet over the past five years. 17:01
NOAA NMFS and ASMFC Team Up to Help River Herring – and they opened with a half assed Webinar!
More than 80 experts from Canada to Florida participated in the first technical working group meeting for river herring (i.e., blueback herring and alewife) on March 27.
NOAA Fisheries NMFS and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission organized this meeting to kick off a strategic effort to advance the restoration of river herring throughout its Atlantic coastal range. Read more here noaa.gov 20:34
The Webinar for todays four hour meeting required the use of a computer AND a telephone for sound! EPIC FAIL.
Greater Atlantic Region fisheries to receive $36 million in disaster relief funds – (post- tropical cyclone Sandy?)
As part of the Fiscal Year 2014 federal budget, Congress approved $75 million in fishery disaster relief funds. Today, NOAA NMFS announced that the New England groundfish fishery will receive $33. Commercial and recreational fisheries in New Jersey and New York will receive $3 for relief effort to address the impacts following Hurricane/post-tropical cyclone Sandy. Read more here 14:41
R.I. fishermen to share in $32.84 million for New England disaster relief – Read more here Providence Journal 17:06
Chinook Fishermen to Get $20 million for 2012 Disaster – Read more here ktuu 17:20
NOAA Awards State $10.9 Million for Commercial Oyster & Blue Crab Fisheries Disasters – Read more here Senate.gov 17: 26
Sen. Murkowski scores ~ $21 million for AK regions hurt by low Chinook runs Read more here The Fluff ‘n Buff @ Fish Radio 22:29
Awright NOAA/ NMFS, BACK TO WORK! I aint puttin’ any pressure on ya, but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Government Re Boot!
Even before President Barack Obama signed into law a deal that officially ended the government shutdown, Yosemite National Park fired off a statement: We’re open for business, right now. That’s nice, but I don’t really care about that. This is what I care about! Crabbers rejoice (maybe not all at once) The good news: The permits may start flowing Thursday. The bad news: There may be such a tremendous backlog of requests that some crabbers still won’t be able to work for a while. LET’S GO! morefromcnn 10:14
National Marine Fisheries Service: Revisions Proposed for Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish Fishery Management Plan
Today, at the recommendation of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, NOAA /NMFS is proposing a number of revisions to the Atlantic mackerel, squid, and butterfish fishery management plan to improve the catch monitoring and reduce river herring and shad bycatch through Amendment 14. read more 12:36
New Herring Regulations Proposed — Public Comments Accepted through July 18
Proposed Rule; Request for Comments; Amendment 5 to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan link here