Tag Archives: Oregon Wild

Wildlife conservation groups say Gov. Brown has sold them out in favor of ranchers, hunters and commercial fishers.
The Oregon conservation community was shocked this week by the nomination of a big game hunter to the state’s Fish and Wildlife Commission, saying the nominee has shown a disdain for animals and has conflicts of interest. James Nash, a retired marine, hunting guide and rancher who lives in Wallowa County, was tapped by Gov. Kate Brown,,,, >click to read< And they describe it as a betrayal by a governor who they say pledged during her re-election campaign last year to protect the threatened species—but, after winning, picked nominees favoring groups that include ranchers, loggers and commercial fishermen, and hunters whose economic interests may conflict with the desires of a majority of Oregonians. >click to read<14:02
Oregon, Washington continue talks to ease gill-nets from lower Columbia River salmon migration lanes
In 2009, a legislator suggested a commercial fishery in the Portland harbor reach of the lower Willamette River. The same year, a highly placed official of the Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) suggested to me we might both live to see the day when commercial fishermen harvest salmon alongside sport anglers in tributaries. Neither idea, of course, came to pass … or was even seriously considered. Until now. Both still remain far from reality following Thursday’s meeting of fish and wildlife commissioners and staffs from Oregon and Washington, but neither is as far-fetched as they seemed three years ago. Netting the lower Willamette is just one of several radical suggestions the beleaguered commercial community brought to Thursday’s meeting.http://www.oregonlive.com/sports/oregonian/bill_monroe/index.ssf/2012/10/post_48.html