Tag Archives: oyster fisherman Johnny Jurisich
Three oyster bays closed may have a strong impact on the oyster industry
Texas Parks and Wildlife Commissioners have voted to permanently close three bays to oyster fishing, and the closures have many Texas oystermen worried about what this means for their livelihoods. The unanimous vote comes after commissioners listened to hours of testimony against the closures from oyster fishermen. Parks and Wildlife shut down Carlos, Ayres, and Mesquite bays near Matagorda Island. TPWD says the decision to close the bays is to let the oysters grow, but oyster fishermen, like Johnny Jurisich, say the closures could hurt the oyster industry. >click to read<
Texas oyster season begins with severe restrictions for fishermen – The six-month Texas oyster season opened on Nov. 1 and Texas Parks and Wildlife Commissioners have voted to permanently close three bays near Matagorda Island to oyster fishing. >click to read< 08:53