Tag Archives: PEI Lobster Industry
Change to minimum U.S. lobster size ‘a big jump,’ says P.E.I. marketing board
Pending increases in the legal size of lobster that can be sold in the U.S. are something to watch, says the chair of the Lobster Fishers of P.E.I. Marketing Board. But Charlie McGeoghegan says it likely won’t be as much of a problem as some other groups in the Maritimes fear. Studies of the state of the lobster stock on the Eastern Seaboard have triggered an automatic increase in the size of lobster that can be harvested for the U.S. market. The studies found a decline in the number of young lobsters, and the change is designed to give them more time to mature and reproduce. Currently, U.S. fishermen must throw back any lobster that has a carapace (the hard shell extending from the eyes to the end of the tail) measuring under 82 millimetres. In January 2025, that will increase to 84 millimetres, and it will go up another two millimetres in 2027. Photos, more, >>click to read<< 13:31
With Money to Burn, The PEI Lobster Industry enters MSC assessment
The fishery operates baited traps to catch American lobster (homarus americanus). The fishery applies limited season openings, minimum species sizes, escape mechanism and biodegradable twine in traps and other measures to ensure the stock maintains productivity. more@undercurrent 05:10