Tag Archives: Rajendra Pachauri
Why is it that so many prominent environmental campaigners turn out to be such scumbags, sleazebags, hypocrites or frauds?
The latest to be exposed is, of course, New York’s ex-Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. When Schneiderman wasn’t busy – allegedly – “choking, beating and threatening” women, he was busy bullying the people he calls “climate deniers”. Here he is on a video in 2014 declaring that “climate deniers have no place in public life.” Let me give you a few more examples: Al Gore and the Portland massage therapist (one of several victims, allegedly, of his tentacular groping…) Rajendra Pachauri, former head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, exposed as a serial sex pest. David Suzuki – Canada’s most feted eco-campaigner who just happens to be a dick who is extremely rude and – see also Gore – an appalling hypocrite: >click to read<12:40