Tag Archives: Research Vessel Savannah

Savannah scientists continue study of black gill in shrimp
As the Research Vessel Savannah moved slowly along Georgia’s coast in early October, Wynn Gale calmly arranged about a dozen shrimp on a table inside one of the boat’s laboratories. He inspected each specimen for dark gill coloration, and then he took a photo of the shrimp on his smartphone. Black gill, named because of a telltale dark coloration on shrimps’ gills, is caused by a microscopic parasite. Scientists have determined that the parasite is a ciliate, a single-cell organism, but have yet to identify the specific type. Scientists say shrimp suffering from black gill are safe for humans to eat. click here to read the story 08:53

Study aims to help Ga. and S.C. shrimpers weather black gill
There’s no quick fix for black gill, a disease that affects shrimp from Florida to North Carolina. But as regulators and scientists collaborate with fishermen to work on the problem, they’ve already boosted an iconic coastal tradition. “Generally, we’re seen as the bad guys, the ones that kill the turtles and rape the ocean,” said Micah LaRoche, a third generation shrimper from Wadmalaw Island. “I’m anything but that. I have grandchildren looking to get into the business. As far as conservationists go you’ll never find another one like me.” Read the rest here 07:34