Tag Archives: SafeSea EPIRB1 Pro

Ocean Signal Introduces Compact Float-Free EPIRB
The new EPIRB1 Pro features a 30 percent reduction in size compared to other EPIRBs, a 10-year battery life and a retail price that makes it one of the most affordable EPIRBs on the market. Providing an essential link to emergency services for both recreational and commercial vessels, the Ocean Signal beacon complies with IMO regulations that require an automatic release housing to be provided for mandatory fitted EPIRBs. The SafeSea EPIRB1 Pro is designed to release automatically from the Category 1 Auto Deploy Bracket once submerged in water and float free from a sinking vessel. (This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the FCC in the United States. This device is not, and may not be offered for sale or lease, or sold or leased, until authorization is obtained.) >click to read< 10:16