Tag Archives: Seattle-based trawlers
There’s a new fight over Bering Sea black cod.
Record numbers of young black cod, also known as sablefish, are swimming off Alaska’s coast; scientists estimate that this group of fish, which had huge reproductive success in 2014, is twice the size of the next-largest on record, from 1977. The small-boat fishermen who catch black cod, many of whom live in Southeast Alaska, are eagerly waiting for the young fish to grow larger and commercially valuable. But they’re getting frustrated seeing increasing numbers of black cod caught accidentally, as bycatch, by the Seattle-based trawlers that target lower-value species in the Bering Sea, like the pollock that go into McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish sandwiches. >click to read< 16:43
Seattle-based trawlers facing prospect of 50% halibut bycatch cut – Whopping salmon harvest, and A new, safer Vicky
Many Alaskans are speaking out against the more than 6 million pounds of halibut dumped overboard each year as bycatch in trawl fisheries targeting flounder, rockfish, perch, mackerel and other groundfish — not pollock., Whopping salmon harvest – In all, Alaskans are bracing for a huge season — state managers project a harvest of 221 million salmon, a whopping 39 percent higher than last year., A new, safer Vicky – Few fishermen go to sea without their Vickies — the small, sharp Victorinox Swiss Army knife used for everything that needs a quick cut. Read the rest here 16:15