Tag Archives: Seven rescued

U.S. Coast Guard rescues seven in two missions off the Georgia coast – Video
The Coast Guard rescued seven people in two separate search and rescue cases Tuesday off the Georgia coast. In the first rescue, three people were hoisted from a life raft about 60 miles east of Tybee Island,,, In the second rescue, a separate Air Station Savannah Dolphin aircrew hoisted four survivors at 5:18 a.m. after the fishing vessel, Jimmy & Charlie, began taking on water near Egg Island. >Video, click to read< 15:13

Seven rescued from sinking boat after it collidided with a commercial fishing vessel near Chatham
The 38-foot speed boat and a 40-foot commercial fishing vessel crashed at 6:20 a.m.Saturday morning, sending the speed boat — the Artemis II — 90 feet down to the bottom of the ocean, US Coast Guard Lieutenant John Mansolillo said. The vessels were about 7 miles southeast of Chatham, he said. One of the seven Artemis II passengers fell into the water during the collision, but all seven were rescued by the three-person crew on the fishing vessel, the Great Pumpkin, Mansolillo said. No one was injured. >click to read<09:18