Tag Archives: sexual harassment

‘Get Off The Boat’ — Women In Commercial Fishing Industry Fight Sexual Harassment
When Robin McAllistar worked in the commercial fishing industry in the 1970s and 1980s, she was often the only woman on the boat. Once, she said she was stuck on a boat with a captain who was constantly drinking. She said he assaulted her in her room, and she had to fight him off. “I mean physically grappling and trying to get through and get out and get away,” she said. “I wasn’t raped, but that was only because I got out.” The next day, she hopped onto another boat to get away. Roughly 15% of commercial fishermen in Alaska are women. >click to read<20:23

NOAA law enforcement researches sexual harassment, assault among fishery observers
Women are harassed and fear for their safety much more than men when they work as fishery observers. That’s according to a report that NOAA’s office of law enforcement officials presented about sexual harassment of observers to a meeting of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council in Kodiak this past week. The report shared preliminary data from an ongoing survey and although the sample size is small, the survey reveals stark differences between the experiences of female and male observers. >click to read<09:07
Wis. DNR punished workers in ’14 for sexual harassment, running sex toy business
A February letter accuses Teague Prichard, a state lands specialist, of sexually harassing three female co-workers in a hotel bar in Appleton following a forestry meeting in January. The letter alleges he rubbed one of the women’s thighs and called her beautiful and sexy. He then began rubbing another co-worker’s back while simultaneously rubbing the third woman’s thigh. When the third woman commented on his conduct, Prichard allegedly suggested she was dressed inappropriately. The letter counts as an unpaid three-day suspension. There’s more! Read the rest here 13:44