Tag Archives: SIA CEO Jane Lovell
Australia: Fishing group warns of industry pain under Labor’s plan to reinstate marine parks
Ahead of the federal election, Seafood Industry Australia (SIA) has called upon a newly-elected Federal Government to give the fishing industry better security of access and fishing rights. SIA CEO Jane Lovell said a pledge from Labor to reinstate its original 2012 Marine Park Network in full was concerning and would push fishermen out of the industry. Under Labor’s plan Australia would have had the world’s largest network of marine parks which covered offshore waters surrounding every state and territory. “The very fact that this is back on the agenda again removes confidence, increases uncertainty, and this is one of the things that has been found by to be the key driver of the mental health problems in our industry is this constant lack of certainty about the environment they work in,” Ms Lovell said. >click to read<12:03