Tag Archives: southeast of Nantucket
Endangered whales found entangled in fishing gear off Massachusetts coast
Two endangered whales have been discovered entangled in fishing line off the coast of Massachusetts, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced Tuesday, as biologists warned one of the whales is “likely to die.” NOAA said the pair of North Atlantic right whales was found during an aerial survey on Dec. 9, approximately 50 miles southeast of Nantucket. NOAA Fisheries biologists said a juvenile male, #5110, has a thick line that passes across his head and once across his back, leaving him “seriously injured” and likely to die. NOAA said it is currently monitoring the federally protected whales and will determine “if entanglement responses will be possible.” Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:11

Fishermen backing surf clammers in fight over harvest area
Groundfish stakeholders are supporting the surf clam industry’s efforts to retain fishing rights in pockets of the Great South Channel of the Nantucket Shoals as long as the approved management policy does not prompt “mitigations or further habitat restrictions on the groundfish fishery.”,,, On Tuesday, the New England Fishery Management Council, meeting in Newport, Rhode Island, is expected to decide whether one of the more lucrative fishing grounds for the surf clam fishery — 10 to 20 miles east and southeast of Nantucket — will remain open to surf clamming or restricted or closed as part of a protectionist effort to designate the full area as an essential fish habitat that would be off limits to surf clamming dredging gear. >click to read<06:55