Tag Archives: wife
I’m outraged by New Hampshire’s treatment of Geno Marconi
I am outraged with the “paid administrative leave” of the Port Director, Geno Marconi and all the secrecy around it. I chaired the Ports and Harbors Advisory Committee for ten years. I was appointed by Governor Lynch and reappointed for another 5 year term. I also chaired the Piscataqua Maritime Commission (Sail Portsmouth) for 10 years where we brought Tall Ships to Portsmouth. I worked with Director Marconi very closely in both capacities and I can say without a shred of doubt that he is “by the book” and an imminently fair and honest man. Now with the suspension of his wife from her position as a State Supreme Court Justice, the pressure is turned up. Governor, you have messed with the wrong people. Director Marconi is not one to be pressured to resign. He is a by-the-book man, and you are about to learn that lesson. more, >>CLICK TO READ<<. by Donald Coker 10:45

Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Stern Man Susan Amelia Clark of Kennebunkport has passed away
Susan Amelia (Collins) Clark, 81, passed away at home on Sept. 17, 2021, after a long, brave, and often miraculous battle with multiple health issues. She met Edward Russell Clark, Jr. (“Russ”) at a party, and they eloped on Dec. 29, 1967. Susan worked in a wide variety of roles over the years, from administration to accounting to sales. But her fondest (and most surprising) career accomplishment was obtaining her lobstering license and accompanying her husband Russ as his stern man, banding lobsters and baiting traps as they fished out of Cape Porpoise Harbor from the boat he’d named for her. She loved being a mother, and welcomed and celebrated her grandchildren, >click to read< 10:04

She’s A Mom. What’s Your Superpower? An Interview with Representative Genevieve McDonald
In this interview, Genevieve McDonald tells us how she went from being a lobster boat captain to a state Representative of Maine, all while becoming a first time mom to beautiful twin daughters who motivate her to blaze a trail for women everywhere. Tell me a little bit about yourself. I am a member of the Maine House of Representatives and serve on the Joint Standing Committee on Marine Resources. My district is comprised entirely of islands off the coast of Maine. In addition to serving in the Legislature, I am a lobster boat captain out of Stonington, Maine, and a mom to twin daughters, Evalina & Elise. >click to read< 08:55
Lawsuit: Investment in Bahamian crab company nets $200,000 from Tampa businessmen
Brett Ory visited the Bahamas in May 2015 to see the crabbing company in which he and his father, Ronnie Ory, had invested $100,000. Brett Ory, 38, said he inspected a processing facility, fishing and stone crab trapping boats and 45 acres of prime property on the Bahamas Long Island, all supposedly controlled by Ruskin-based High Cotton Bahamas. A month later, Ory said he wired an additional $100,000 to High Cotton after its representatives told him they needed capital to buy more boats. But it turned out that High Cotton was something of an illusion, according to lawsuits filed by the Orys. Read the story here 18:52