Mr. Common Resources, Meet “Miss-Management”

New Sea Otter Reintroduction Campaign Exposes Nationwide Ecosystem Management Conundrum

The contradictions in redundant multi-agency management and layers of regulation of common resources have made management paralyzed. The need for management revision stretches across the entire spectrum of resource providers from agriculture in the heartland to fishing on the coast and energy production everywhere between.

This problem is compounded by an onslaught of nonprofit and NGO lobby influence/infiltration. A narrative was created to indoctrinate the public. The narrative of resource providers being the problem of ecosystem failures is a deflection of accountability to manage.

Common resource management or “conservation” was reinvented. The influence of NGO’s installed a term called “precautionary management.” This is another altered term where the real meaning is “preservation” which is the antithesis to conservation rendering human use intolerable. To use the term precautionary management is an admission of ignorance and inability to manage or, an admission of a bias ideology in play such as an agenda.

Part of the conundrum in management are the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act. These Acts lay roadblocks to species management thereby essentially removing the species from the trophic cascade. The title is Marine Mammal “Protection” Act, it should be the Marine Mammal “Management” Act.

This otter campaign comes just a year after sea urchin divers litigated this all the way up to the SCOTUS with the assistance  of Pacific Legal Foundation. The “Chevron Deference” case was rejected by SCOTUS leaving USFWS unaccountable for miss management and disobeying Congressional Law PL-99-625.

Currently, this campaign rides on a congressional order to seek the feasibility to reintroduce sea otters on the west coast. The un-trustworthy, ethically challenged USFWS is tasked with this.

A nonprofit was created to campaign for this issue. This entity consists of a CDFW Gov. employee and advocates for preservation that belong to the scientific community thereby removing any traces of scientific objectivity and raising questions of ethics.

This entity SeaOtterSavvy hosted a webinar Sept. 22. This was a very informative presentation on their agenda and ideology. More so than the intended purpose employing an empathy campaign evident in the opening statements of the weinar. The realistic observation as to the purpose is evident in the promotion of their survey. A World Wide outreacht to support an admitted political/social “popularity contest” wherein absolutely zero scientific paradigms are acknowledged.

This webinar video   is one hour, the parts to watch are:

  1. First 6min – specifically 5:10-5:15

  2. Last 17min – specifically 43:15 – on.

I ask my question right at the 49:00 mark….

”Many of us are concerned with the lack of direct management on the otter population. Historically man has managed otters for shellfish preservation and was apart to the trophic cascade being an otter predator. What paradigms are you observing to manage the density of otter populations? What social/environmental justice policy will you use to establish an equitable use of resources and observance of the cascade?”

These folks are completely ignoring the paradigms they profess to adhere to. Talking from both sides of their mouths. This will affect every single person that works and lives in resource production. We need to send a clear message. Their survey is a major part of gauging the resistance. We need thousands of resource producers to let them know we are watching.

Follow this link to a short 10 question survey…

Demand accountability and Common Resource Management reform by sounding your voice.

We’ve had enough!

”All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.”- Orwell/Animal Farm

Jeff Crumley

California Urchin Diver