Reminder: June Council Meeting Webinar


The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council will meet via webinar this week, June 16-18, 2020. The agenda, briefing materials, and other details are available on the June 2020 Council Meeting web page.

Participants are encouraged to review the June 2020 Webinar Guide for step-by-step instructions for joining the webinar, connecting your audio, commenting and voting procedures, and troubleshooting tips. Please note that we highly recommend that meeting participants use the Adobe Connect desktop application, which can be downloaded here. However, you may also join the webinar using your web browser.

To join the webinarClick the following link or copy the URL into your browser or Adobe Connect desktop application: On the log in screen, select “Guest,” type your first and last name, and click “Enter Room”. You will be connected to the Adobe Connect meeting.

Connecting your audioAudio connection instructions will pop up automatically when the webinar opens. Please note that you must use your telephone if you are planning to participate in the meeting (Council members, presenters, and those wishing to make public comments). To connect your audio, select the “Receive a Call” option and enter your phone number to receive a call from the meeting. You may need to wait a minute or two. When you answer the phone, you will press 1 to enter the meeting room. Once your audio is connected, please mute yourself until it is your turn to speak. If you are not planning to participate or make public comments, join in “Listen Only” mode (or select the “Device Speaker” option if joining via browser). For telephone-only access, dial 800-832-0736 and enter room number 7833942# when prompted.

For general questions about the meeting, contact Mary Sabo (, 302-528-1143). If you are having technical difficulties connecting to the webinar, please contact the staff members listed on the June 2020 Meeting Page (staff contacts may be updated throughout the meeting).