Which Side Are You On? FISH-NL launches inaugural “netcast” leading up to Thursday’s Gander convention

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, Jan. 22nd, 2019
The Federation of Independent Sea Harvesters of Newfoundland and Labrador (FISH-NL) has released its inaugural podcast episode, featuring an overview of the “cesspool of corruption” that is today’s fishery, and a local rewrite of the iconic labour song — Which Side Are You On?
Which Side Are You On was written in 1931 by Florence Reece, the wife of a Kentucky miner, during a bitter strike.
“Award-winning singer/songwriter Colleen Power — a strong FISH-NL supporter, and my partner — has done a wonderful job of putting a 2019 fishery stamp on the song,” said Ryan Cleary, President of FISH-NL.
“Which side are you on is a fitting question given it’s been asked on every stage, and every wharf in Newfoundland and Labrador over the two-plus years that FISH-NL has been rocking the boat.”
FISH-NL’s Netcast features an interview with Southern Harbour fisherman Peter Leonard, who’s running for one of FISH-NL’s five executive positions, which include President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Captain (Over 40 Fleet), and Captain (Under 40 fleet). Peter gives his thoughts on the fishery’s political leadership.
Fisheries advocate and long-time industry executive Gus Etchegary, 94, also gives his overview of today’s fishery, based on his 72-year involvement.
“We have practically no fishery,” he says on the NetCast. “We’re no longer in the market. We’re not recognized internationally as we once were. We were a power!”
Find FISH-NL’s Netcast on our website: > https://www.fish-nl.ca/netcast<
FISH-NL’s convention will also deal with constitutional amendments, the election, resolutions from the floor (including a temporary halt to offshore seismic, and a motion against cameras on fishing boats), and presentations on the impact of harp seals and open-pen aquaculture on wild fisheries.
Contact Ryan Cleary: 682 4862