9 Years Later: We Remember Richard Gaines and We Miss Him

The passing of Richard Gaines was catastrophic for many. From an industry perspective, none more so than the Gloucester Daily Times. We were gifted to have the right combination of a great writer that informed of the issues of the day, and an Editor that was supportive, and a crew that did such a wonderful job churning out article after article. To say Richard Gaines is missed is an understatement. I miss him more than ever. >Richard Gaines, click to read< 17:35

Richard Gaines, Staff Writer, Gloucester Daily Times – For years, we found his byline under the headline of every major fishery article that we read at the Gloucester Daily Times.  It told us to read on for the truth and an unbiased perspective that a great journalist presents regarding our livelihoods. Richard’s articles provided the information to the public of the complexities that made up the convoluted issues surrounding the stories of the New England ground fishery — something that was just about impossible. Some of the articles would leave the public confused, but industry insiders knew exactly what he was bringing up. At times, these controversial to insider articles would erupt, causing some noses to get out of joint, generating lively, pointed, and sometimes fierce debate. Those were my favorites, and I know what Richard wrote was on the money, even though some would disagree, of course. By Jim Kendall, June 13, 2013 >click to read<

3 Responses to 9 Years Later: We Remember Richard Gaines and We Miss Him

  1. Kristine Harder says:

    There will never be another like him. What a terrible loss …

  2. It was an honor and a privilege to be able to call Richard a friend. His tenacity to get to the truth behind the corruption that permeated in the regulatory system in New England was indisputable. His passion was infectious. Richard knew there was something rotten going on and was always looking into its root cause.
    He saw the handwriting on the wall and I’m sure he wouldn’t be happy about what the regulatory system has done to the fishing industry throughout this nation. He knew what the results of catch shares would do to this industry. Consolidation and multi national corporations were the fear back then and low and behold here we are. A handful of winners at the expense of the many who deserved better.
    Perhaps he knew to much. To say his unexpected death was under suspicious circumstances would he an understatement. Yet to my knowledge there was never any investigation into the possibility of foul play.
    RIP Richard. We will never forget you.

  3. Muddog says:

    I agree with all comments. If only we had more real journalists like Richard Gaines. It is obvious, he was over the target.

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