Tag Archives: Atlantic Coast Fishery News

Atlantic Coast Fishery News: Magnuson Stevens Act Questions sent to Senators on the Commerce Committee

ASFNewsAtlantic Coast Fishery News Sent a series of questions to your Senators on the Commerce Committee regarding The Magnuson Stevens Act. The questions are listed here, and the answers from your representatives will be published in the next issue. Please read these questions, and feel free to comment at Fisherynation.com. Yours could be included in the published article.

Many of the Rules adopted under the Magnuson Stevens Act have the net collective effect of preventing commercial fishermen from landing the total allowable catch in numerous fisheries in a fishing year.  Some of these rules concern use and payment of federal observers, seasonal and geographical closure of highly productive fishing grounds, tight limitations on the catching or landing of various choke species that prematurely shut the target fishery (even though the target fishery is NOT overfished).19:24

Senate and House Bills to reauthorize Magnuson to be Published side by side in Atlantic Coast Fishery News

ASFNewsSenate and House Bills to reauthorize Magnuson to be Published side by side in Atlantic Coast Fishery News.  As a commercial fisherman, or shore side industry, you probably are interested to know our commercial fishing paper is publishing the full text of both the House and Senate Bills. Further we will publish the analysis of the Center for Sustainable Fisheries, which will explain in basic terms, which Bill tends to resolve current problems with Magnuson. Read more here  14:10