Tag Archives: Gulf red snapper

The Race to Spread the EDF IFQ Recreational Fishery Propaganda.

robert-e-jonesjpg-0f7b26b6c7446ecaGulf fisheries were in dire condition before the Environmental Defense Fund teamed with local fishermen across the Gulf, from Florida to Texas, to help turn things around. In those days, fishermen were stuck under failing management that perpetuated overfishing and reduced the population of Gulf red snapper to just 4 percent of its historic level. Due to misguided and ineffective rules, the commercial fleet was in a derby system — a race to catch fish that was dangerous and destructive to both fish and fishermen’s businesses. The catch limits that were put in place to solve the problem were not working. Seeing their livelihoods collapsing under failing management, commercial fishermen voted twice, in supermajorities, to implement a system known as catch shares or individual fishing quotas, which went on the water in 2007. EDF is proud to have worked with our fishing partners on this system. Read the story here 10:22

CCA takes stand against Gulf red snapper Reef Fish Amendment 40

If Amendment 40 passes, 75 percent of the entire Gulf red snapper fishery will likely be privately held for private profit. Sector Separation proposes to separate charter/for-hire businesses from the recreational sector and give personalized allotments of red snapper to use as their own. <Read more here> 15:43

Read more here: http://www.sunherald.com/2014/08/09/5737827/cca-takes-stand-against-gulf-red.html?sp=/99/228/263/#storylink=cpy

Louisiana Seafood Board’s Legislative Committee Recommends Keeping Current Quota for Gulf Red Snapper

GSI-LogoThe legislative committee of the Louisiana Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board implored members of the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council to consider those that do not have access to the Gulf of Mexico but wish to enjoy the Red Snapper natural resource. more@gulfseafoodnews. 18:22

U.S. Rep. Steve Southerland issued the following statement Monday in advance of a National Marine Fisheries Service stock assessment

“NOAA’s release next week of a recently conducted stock assessment on Gulf red snapper should confirm the concerns of local fishermen already painfully aware that the current system is broken. continued@apalachtimes

Louisiana Senator continues with threat to shutter snapper season

BATON ROUGE — The drive by a state senator to outlaw the possession of Gulf red snapper for recreational and commercial fishermen as well as everyone else in Louisiana cleared its first hurdle Wednesday, and the debate now heads to the full Senate. continued