Former Senator Scott Brown to return to the political arena

New Hampshire Primary Source has confirmed that Scott Brown, the former Massachusetts US Senator who ran unsuccessfully for the Senate from New Hampshire in 2014, has reactivated his political action committee and intends to help Republican candidates from New Hampshire and elsewhere who share his desire to end partisan gridlock in Washington. That’s according to a letter of resignation Brown sent Wednesday to New England Law-Boston, where Brown had served as president since 2019, when he returned from New Zealand and Samoa, where he served the Trump administration as ambassador. “In the months ahead, I look forward to re-engaging in the political arena in support of candidates and causes who share my vision of rebuilding the Republican Party,” Interested in your position on offshore wind farms, Scott! >click to read< 13:59
The Chair of common sense recognizes the Gentleman from Mass./N.H. …Senator Brown welcome back from New Zealand…
Elon Musk has brought Space X to Texas… Not to mention he’s in dire need of a Mixologist for the TiKi Bar!!! The NorthEast is still not use to the first NAFTA EXPERIENCE!!! Plenty of Land, Manufacturing facilities, People, a product LINE!!! If it’s green they’re in… Personally I have more confidence in Elon’s Solar City… Then I do running a PinWheel Experiments off of OUR PRISTINE RENEWABLE OCEAN COAST and Eco-system!!! John Kerry leading by example, take your own Jet!!! THEN #THEMOSTDANGEROUSWOMANONTHEPLANET
“Micro Power-Plants” as Elon Musk of Tesla referred to them would be the closest we’ll ever be to true Electric Independence!!! There is no reason that multiple Plants throughout the Nation wouldn’t contribute to our Electric Independence and our Economy… From components to installation and repairs!!! Lets make up for the NAFTA losses… Just don’t pull a Deval and Evergreen 58 Million Dollar give away!!!