Two messages in two bottles wash up in the same week from the same Crab fisherman!

August 22, 2021
Canada, International News
Amanda Tidmarsh was over the moon when she found the note inside the glass receptacle. It was from a snow crab fisherman named John Graham, who left his email for the finder to contact him. The 52-year-old, from Brynna, did just that and is now waiting to hear back from the seafarer. “When I found it I thought it was lovely – got all this way without being smashed. I thought there was something inside it, it’s like treasure,” >click to read< and, Brothers Oisín, and Eoghan O’Doherty from Greencastle along with Odhran O’Sullivan discovered a message in a bottle while holidaying in Co. Kerry. >click to read< 09:30
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Amanda Tidmarsh, bottle was tossed over the side, canada, County Kerry, crab fisherman John Graham, F/V Artic Eagle, Grand Banks of Newfoundland, grandmother Catherine McGeoghegan, Ireland, Kerry, Message in a bottle, message in a bottles, Ogmore-on-Sea, Oisín and Eoghan O’Doherty, sent from Canadian Crabber, Three boys find, Wales, with Odhran O’Sullivan
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